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Leaving Calvary Chapel

Commentary by Spiritual Research Network

Comment from the UTT
More and more we are seeing that true servants of the Lord are standing up, speaking out and risking their lives to tell the truth. Chris Lawson has been a friend and colleague of UTT for years. He and his family have been missionaries to Scotland and also messengers of the truth in the USA.
Like myself, they have suffered slanderous attacks from the so-called "brethren" in an attempt to discredit them because they have refused to bow to the "Moses" model of church leadership and suffer further abuse.
They have been personally damaged and they will have scars for life because of their long term relationship with Calvary Chapel. While not all Calvary Chapels operate this way, the pattern is all too common. It is time for others to stand up and make their stand.
Chris and his wife Jenn are not alone. There are many others who have faced the same persecution. Christians should not have to face character abuse and slander from so-called brothers who call themselves pastors. Pastors are supposed to be shepherds who serve the flock, not wolves in sheep's clothing.
Please pray for Chris, Jenn and family.

Leaving Calvary Chapel

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