Black Friday

Commentary by Roger Oakland

BLACK FRIDAY FOLLOWS BLACK THURSDAY - THE DAY THAT MANY CONSIDER THANKSGIVING.  According to Wickepedia, Black Friday could be derived from:

Black Friday
 is a term used to refer to certain events which occur on a Friday. It has been used in the following cases:
As one can see, there have been a number of Black Fridays in rthe past and for a number of reasons, some of them quite disgusting.
So  why would the day after Thanksgiving be called Black Friday and why would Thanksgiving be sometimes called Black Thursday. Once more, Wickapedia, may have the answer:
Black Thursday is a term used to refer to events which occur on a Thursday. It has been used in the following cases to this day:


  1. ^ Banking 1991-2000  Kommersant, Russia's Daily Online
  2. ^ Bleak outlook after Irish banks bail out BBC News. 30 September 2010. "It may have been bright and sunny in Dublin this morning but that hasn't stopped people calling it Black Thursday."
  3. ^ Lenihan on Black Thursday:Evening Herald. 30 September 2010.
  4. ^ Burton: Today is "Black Thursday"Irish Examiner. 30 September 2010. "Speaking this morning, Joan Burton described today as Ireland's 'Black Thursday' ... "I think in Irish history this is going to go down as our 'Black Thursday'," she added."
  5. ^ Lenihan admits 'belt-tightening; on the way  TV3. 30 September 2010. "Yesterday has already been dubbed Black Thursday - the day the Irish public found out the total probable cost of our banking crisis."
  6. ^ Burton says Fianna Fáil  will long be remebered for its 'Black Thursday'. The Irish Times. 1 October 2010. "Labour's Joan Burton described yesterday as “Black Thursday” and said that Brian Lenihan and Fianna Fáil would be remembered for visiting it upon the State."
  7. ^ Ireland's apathyThe Guardian. 30 September 2010. "As soon as Ireland's finance minister Brian Lenihan admitted that the "unavoidable" bailout of Anglo Irish bank could cost taxpayers up to €34bn (£29.1bn), Irish opposition leaders were quick to declare today Ireland's "Black Thursday".."
Now, we may be wrong, but it appears that Black Friday may very well be given an update. For example, what if some bad news happened which would effect the economy, particularly of the USA.. 
For example, the economy in the USA and the rest of the world is a bit tipsy at the present time. It would not take much to tip the economy over, would it?
What if there was an event that made the Black Fridays of the past look like kids play compared to what might happen that could really make Black Friday black?
We are just speculating of course! 
However, you should be aware that at this present time, the world seems to be spinning out of control. That is because we are about to see the world placed in the control of a world government (6), and a world economy (6), and a world religion (6). Then a man will head this up and implement 666.
This is predicted of course in the Bible,Revelation chapter 13 and verse 18.
So, don't hold your breath for too long, but be aware that Black Friday could be the day when we see certain things begin to happen. If it does not happen this year, it may be next year or the next year after that and so on.
For  now, we will just keep our eyes on the Bible and God's Word.
 Don't pay any attention to the pope and his plea for Eucharistic
Adoration or the Queen of Peace when she wants you to bow down to her son, the eucharistic jesus, which is not the Jesus of the Bible. 
While what we are saying may not make any sense to most who are reading this, be aware that UTT never spoon feeds. 
Spoon feeding is for lazy students. It is always important to study the Bible then you will understand the times for yourself and by yourself, led by the Spirit of God and not driven by men and their purpose driven plans.
Our critics apparently don't like to think. When they can not connect the dots they say that we suffer from the effects of brain damage and need to be medicated.
This of course may be true. However, sometimes brain damage from a stroke can actually make you more analytical and creative.
This can be understood in light of the latest research that can be checked out in psychological circles.
As an aside, UTT recommends you stick with science and leave out psycho babble and psycho googly gook that has no science at all.
Finally, be strong and be like the tribe of Issachar, as recorded in the book of 1 Chronicles chapter 12, verse 32:  "men who understood the times and understood what Israel should do."
Why don't you do the same
Women can do this too. 
This way you will never get in trouble by speculating and diagnosing.
 Leave speculation up to the professional health care people who are trained to analyze symptoms, even though they can make mistakes and misdiagnose a case, especially when someone has CIU and has taken steroids for too long.
Sorry, if this is too much to decipher. Just wait a while and we will write a book and explain in detail what is going on right now.
Have a great day!