Searching for the Truth on Origins

Exam #5: The History of the Earth

True or False

1. T
According to the lesson, the history of life can be interpreted either by man's speculation or by God's revelation.
2. T
A passage in 2 Peter explains that the earth was destroyed by a flood in the past and will be again in the future.
3. T
Hutton and Lyell were two Christian geologists who played a prominent role in providing the time scale for the earth which Darwin later rejected.
4. T
Geologists are able to determine the age of fossils and layers of earth scientifically.
5. T
Carbon-14 cannot be used to date rocks or layers of earth
6. T
The idea that the Planet Earth is very old is foundational to the authenticity of the Bible.
7. T
The reliability of radiometric dating was demonstrated by geologists when taking core samples from an area of the Grand Canyon
8. T
In the Hawaiian Islands, mini-canyons display layers of earth that formed recently and not millions of years ago.
9. T
Examples of a catastrophic flood can be found on every continent.
10. T
Oakland does not believe creatures from the past died and were preserved by some sort of a gradual process which formed the fossils.

Multiple Choice

11.   What reason does Oakland give for personally being compelled to do these creation presentations?
  A He wants to help people understand that the Bible is true
B He wants to show people that a judgment of God has occurred on the earth in the past, and there is evidence that it occurred in the scriptures
C He wants people to know that the Bible reveals what is going to take place in the future
  D All of the above
12.   Which of the following does NOT refer to the study of geology as taught in this lesson?
  A A study of the rocks that make up the surface of our planet
  B A study of the fossils that are found in the earth’s surface
  C A study of horizontal layers have been laid down as a result of water activity
  D A study of various forms of life that once lived on earth and evolved over long periods of time
13.   How does the lesson explain what would have caused two fossils of dinosaurs that found entangled together?
  A They were trapped by a huge sand dune that was saturated with rain
  B They were fighting when a localized flood entrapped them
  C It happened as a result of a catastrophic disaster
  D None of the above
14.   James Hutton and Charles Lyell formulated the chart known as geological column in what ear?
  A The mid 1800s
  B The late 1700s
  C The early 1900s
  D The early 1800s
15.   Why is it impossible to accurately date rock layers using the Geological Column?
  A The geological column was simply a drawing based on speculation and assumption
  B There is no place in the world to drill down a core and find this sequence of layers
  C The theory behind the actual chart uses circular reasoning
  D All of the above
16.   The lesson uses an illustration of a farmer trying to weigh a pig without a scale to make what point?
A The farmer's method was inaccurate due to his primitive equipment just like scientists of the past
B The farmer's method was compared to the circular reasoning of the geological column
C The farmer's method was compared to the inaccurate data used by creationists' for dating the earth
  D The farmer's method was inaccurate due to conflicting data from too many sources as in scientific research
17   How has the creation worldview benefitted from the erruption of Mt. St. Helens?
  A The explosions produced distinct layers that look like layers that geologists belileve are millions of years old
  B The explosions produced evidence that the creation of the earth could have happened just as rapidly
  C The explosions produced identifiable order which supports the evolutionist worldview
  D All of the above
18.   How does the lesson describe uniformitarianism in relation to geology?
  A The past is the key to the present
  B The present is the key to the past
  C The past is the key to the future
  D The present is the key to the future
19.   Which of the following verses is used in the lesson to point out that men willingly choose to ignore the truth regarding creation?
  A Jeremiah 17:5
  B 2 Peter 3:5-7
  C Genesis 1:27
  D Psalm Hosea 4:6
20.   Where did geologists discover the so-called younger layers of the earth buried under older layers from the Cambrian era?
  A Mount St. Helens
  B Toros-Menalla Dessert
  C Mount Yumnuska
  D Kilauea Crater
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