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The News In Review newsletter is a service
by Understand The Times that
is a compilation of the news articles
previously posted
on our site . Understand The Times does not
endorse these events but rather is
showing the church the current events.
purpose of posting these articles is to warn the church of deception from a
Biblical perspective.
October 18 - Cloning Expert's Next Goal, a Mammoth?
Article: Cloning And Geneticengineering
Would cloning and bringing back to life a mammoth that is believed to
have gone extinct several thousand years ago be enough for a
defamed scientist who left an indelible stain on scientific academia to
make a comeback? Some of Hwang Woo-suk's
supporters certainly hope so.
At the event, Gov. Kim said, "I asked Dr. Hwang the other day if
he could clone a dinosaur. He said it's impossible because there were no
remains of a dinosaur from which he could extract somatic cell. "I asked
him, then, if a mammoth can be cloned. Dr. Hwang
said there is a possibility because there are remains of a mammoth still
in Siberia," he said, adding, "Dr. Hwang turned a fairy tale into
reality today. I hope him to succeed in his greater challenge in the
Mr. Hwang didn't seem to have any immediate plans to clone a mammoth,
but he is working next on cloning a Lycaon, also
known as the African wild dog.
In 2009, the former Seoul National University professor was
convicted of embezzlement and of falsifying his 2004 paper, which was
later retracted by the journal Science. He was given a two-year
suspended prison term. After the conviction, Mr. Hwang more or less
disappeared from the public scene, but that didn't mean he stopped
researching. Since the government had banned him
from engaging in any kind of human embryonic stem-cell research, he set
up a private research institute - the Sooam Biotech Research Foundation
- in Gyeonggi province to focus on cloning animals.
And in that area, Mr. Hwang has been thriving.
In 2005, he created Snuppy, the world's first cloned dog. His team also
succeeded in cloning several more animals, including a pig, a wolf, and
now - coyotes. His supporters
have sporadically called on the government to renew his license in human
embryonic stem-cell research, but it seems likely that Mr.
Hwang's past will overshadow any of his future research.
Read Full Article....
October 19 - Experts warn RFID risks outweigh benefits
Article: Technology For Global Monetary System
The growth of
the now billion-dollar RFID business is prompting industry experts, from
consumer advocates to company figures specializing in RFID protection,
to question whether the technology can ever be made
adequately secure.
Walt Augustinowicz, CEO of the RFID-protection company Identity
Stronghold, distills concerns over Radio Frequency Identification to a simple
tradeoff. Many retailers, he points out, are
willing to exchange the security of your data for the convenience of RFID asset
tracking and point-of-sale simplicity.
"RFID chips are basically tiny two-way radios that
are so small they can fit inside a credit card, an article
of clothing, the inside of a shampoo bottle cap, etc.," he explains. The
chip, essentially a transponder, carries
identifying data and can be queried and read, or "sniffed," at a distance. RFID
technology is now in use in credit cards, ATM cards, "enhanced" driver's
licenses, highway toll networks, and inventory tracking systems.
Katherine Albrecht, co-author of the book "Spychips: How
Major Corporations and Government plan to Track your every Move," believes
speeding up transactions at the point of sale is a powerful inducement for
retailers to introduce RFID technology in their stores.
"The reason you're starting to see [RFID tags show up in credit and ATM
cards] is that the industry itself did some studies and found that
people spend more when they actually don't have to handle
their credit card. The act of looking at your credit card, and the act of then
having to get out a pen and sign for [the purchase], creates many decision
points at which a consumer could decide not to make the purchase."
Albrecht and CASPIAN identify three categories of RFID threats.
The first is what she describes as unscrupulous
retailers, who use RFID and programs like frequent-shopper cards to amass
personal data about you and your purchases in order to more effectively target
you for future sales and marketing efforts.
The second category, a
threat simply ignored by many commercial and government entities introducing
RFID technology, is hackers.
"The big threat that we face right now as citizens is an 'enhanced' driver's
license," Katherine Albrecht insists. She points out that
the third threat category identified by CASPIAN is government. While no states
currently mandate an RFID-equipped driver's license or non-driver ID card, those
that do are using the ID as a de facto passport.
"What they didn't tell you is that they do that by adding remotely readable RFID
into your driver's license," Albrecht says -
and that RFID chip is among the least secure in the industry, readable even "by
the underwear shelf at Wal-Mart."
"The industry will tell you that the
card has a unique ID number, not your name," Albrecht points out. "But
all you have to do is be around that person once to 'sniff' that number and know
[who that number represents.]"
What's worse, using RFID in government
identification like passports could make it possible to target American citizens
for terrorist attack. "We're making it possible," says Albrecht, "for Americans
traveling in foreign countries, where America's not very popular, [to be]
singled out and identified in crowds." A bomb equipped with
an RFID reader could lie in place undetected for years, Albrecht asserts, before
detonating in proximity to a specific ID signature.
Read Full Article....
October 26 - Does Joel Osteen Not Know, or Does He Not Care?
Article: Unbiblical Christianity
Here we go again. Joel
Osteen is in the news once again, this time
for saying that Mormonism is just another form of Christianity.
Osteen, pastor of "America's largest church," as the media repeat over and
over, was speaking to The Washington Times in an interview that covered a
variety of issues. It was the quintessential Joel on display.
Speaking to the newspaper on Monday, Osteen said, "I see faith in America at
an all-time high." His comments came just as a major research project
detailed a significant loss of vitality in America's Christian
congregations. That loss of vitality can be
traced, among other things, to a loss of theological and biblical
conviction. Joel, of course, is proof positive that you can build a crowd
without building a church. He is not inclined to deal in much theological
On Mormonism, Joel said:
"I believe
that [Mormons] are Christians. ... I don't know if it's the purest form of
Christianity, like I grew up with. But you know what, I know Mormons. I hear
Mitt Romney - and I've never met him - but I hear him say, 'I believe Jesus
is the son of God,' 'I believe he's my savior,' and that's one of the core
"I'm sure there are other issues that
we don't agree on. But you know, I can say that the Baptists and the
Methodists and the Catholics don't all agree on everything. So that would be
my take on it."
The main point of concern in Joel's latest comment is
the lack of any biblical standard of judgment and the
total abdication of theological responsibility. He relegates doctrinal
disagreements between Christians and Mormons to the status of theological
debates between Protestant denominations and then includes Roman
Catholicism. There are plenty of issues there, and the issues are not the
same when comparing Baptists to Methodists, on the one hand, and Protestants
and Roman Catholics, on the other. Comparing any form of Trinitarian
orthodoxy with Mormonism is another class of question altogether.
By now, it is clear that Joel Osteen's carelessness is
deliberate and calculated. This is not the first time that he has
encountered the question of Mormonism. Back in 2007, he told Chris Wallace
of FOX News that Mormons are indeed Christians:
"Well, in my mind they are. Mitt Romney has
said that he believes in Christ as his savior, and that's what I believe,
so, you know, I'm not the one to judge the little details of it. So I
believe they are."
In a remarkable exchange
with Chris Wallace, Osteen muddied the waters further:
WALLACE: So, for instance, when people start talking about Joseph Smith, the
founder of the church, and the golden tablets in upstate New York, and God
assumes the shape of a man, do you not get hung up in those theological
probably don't get hung up in them because I haven't really studied them or
thought about them. And you know, I just try to let God be the judge of
that. I mean, I don't know.
Read Full Article....
October 26 - New Street Lights To Have "Homeland Security" Applications
Article: One World Government
New street lights that include "Homeland Security"
applications including speaker systems, motion sensors and video
surveillance are now being rolled out with the aid of government
The Intellistreets system comprises of a wireless
digital infrastructure that allows
street lights to be controlled remotely by means of a ubiquitous wi-fi
link and a miniature computer housed inside each street light, allowing
for "security, energy management, data harvesting and digital media,"
according to the Illuminating Concepts website.
According to the company's You Tube video of the concept,
the primary capabilities of the devices include
"energy conservation, homeland security, public safety, traffic control,
advertising, video surveillance."
In terms of Homeland Security applications, each of
the light poles contains a speaker system that can be used to broadcast
emergency alerts, as well as a display that transmits "security levels"
(presumably a similar system to the DHS' much maligned color-coded
terror alert designation), in addition to showing instructions by way of
its LED video screen. The lights also
include proximity sensors that can record both pedestrian and road
traffic. The video display and speaker system will also be used to
transmit Minority Report-style advertising, as well as Amber Alerts and
other "civic announcements".
With the aid of grant money from the federal
government, the company is about to launch the
first concept installation of the system in the city of Farmington
Hills, Michigan.
Using street lights as surveillance tools has already been
advanced by several European countries. In 2007, leaked documents out of
the UK Home Office revealed that British authorities were working on
proposals to fit lamp posts with CCTV
cameras that would X-ray scan passers-by and "undress them" in order to
"trap terror suspects". Dutch police also announced
last year that they are developing a
mobile scanner that will "see through people's clothing and look for
concealed weapons".
Read Full Article....
October 20 - Mikhail Gorbachev Says Uprisings Signal and Emerging New World Order
Article: One World Government
"We are reaping the consequences of a strategy
that is not conducive to cooperation and partnership, to living in a new
global situation," said Mikhail Gorbachev, former
President of the Soviet Union, to a crowd of 3,600 on Oct. 19 in the
Allan P.
Gorbachev was
referring to the series of uprisings around the world including the
Occupy Wall Street demonstrations here in the United States.
"The world needs goals that will bring people together,"
he said.
Gorbachev then
described the difficult situation faced in Russia at the time.
"We needed
changes in our own country; the people were demanding change, saying 'we
can no longer live like this, we can no longer live as before.' This
required us, the leaders of the country, to propose something bold."
He said this led to perestroika, to
an effort to push forward and end the
totalitarian system, "to move toward democracy and freedom and step by
step towards a new economy, toward market economics. But the most
important thing was freedom and glasnost."
"The entire world
situation did not develop properly," said Gorbachev. "We saw
deterioration where there should have been positive movement. My friend
the late Pope John Paul II said it best. He said,
'We need a new world order, one that is more
stable, more humane, and more just.' Others, including myself, have
spoken about a new world order, but we are still facing the problem of
building such a world order problems of the
environment, of backwardness and poverty, food shortages all
because we do not have a system of global governance."
Gorbachev said it
looks like the United States needs its military-industrial sector for
the economy to prosper and if that is so, then it is a sick economy. "I
do not say this to rankle anyone," he explained. "I say it to my own
people as well. We need to build a society where
human beings are at the center. A lot of brain power is concentrated in
the military-industrial sector; we need to shift that to other goals."
In commenting on
whether the objectives of Vladimir Putin, prime minister of Russia, who
has announced he will run for a third term as president in the 2012
elections, are heading in the right direction, Gorbachev said
the model that should be pursued is an
association of nations, a union of nations that remain sovereign and
politically independent and not a subjugation of nations.
He commented on the
changing world: "We cannot leave things
as they were before, when we are seeing that these protests are moving
to even new countries, that almost all countries are now witnessing such
protests, that the people want change," he said. "As
we are addressing these challenges, these problems raised by these
protest movements, we will gradually
find our way towards a new world order."
Read Full Article....
October 27 - Rainbow of religious leaders join pope for peace
Article: One World Religion
Pope Benedict XVI
joined Buddhist monks, Islamic scholars, Yoruba leaders and a handful of
agnostics in making a communal call for peace Thursday, insisting that
religion must never be used as a pretext for war or terrorism.
Benedict welcomed some 300 leaders
representing a rainbow of faiths to the hilltop Italian town of Assisi
to commemorate the 25th anniversary of a daylong prayer for peace
here called by Pope John Paul II in 1986 amid Cold War
the event lacked the star power of 1986, when the Dalai Lama, Mother
Teresa and others came together to pray, Thursday's peace meeting
included some novelties that the original lacked.
Buddhist monks from mainland China were on hand as
were four people who profess no faith at all - part of Benedict's
efforts to reach out to agnostics and atheists who nevertheless are
searching for truth.
Traditional Catholics
condemned the Assisi meeting - just as they did the one in 1986 - saying
it was blasphemy for the pope to invite leaders of "false" religions to
pray to their Gods for peace.
The issue is a sensitive one for
Benedict, who has railed against religious relativism, or the idea that
there are no absolute truths and that all religions are somehow equal.
As then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, he issued a controversial document in
2000 in part as a response to the 1986 Assisi event
asserting that the fullness of the means of
salvation was found in the Catholic Church alone.
there was a lot of distinctiveness on hand. Standing on the altar of St.
Mary of the Angels basilica, Wande Abimbola of Nigeria,
representing Africa's traditional Yoruba religion,
sang and shook a percussion instrument as he told the delegates that
peace can only come with greater respect for indigenous religions. "We
must always remember that our own religion, along with the religions
practiced by other people, are valid and precious in the eyes of the
Almighty, who created all of us with such plural and different ways of
life and belief systems," he said.
Thursday's meeting also included
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I and representatives from Greek,
Russian, Serbian and Belarusian Orthodox churches as well as Lutheran,
Methodist and Baptist leaders. Several rabbis were joined by some 60
Muslims, a half-dozen Hindus and Shinto believers, three Taoists, three
Jains and a Zoroastrian.
Read Full Article....
October 27 - Russia: Putin advances Eurasian Union
Article: One World Government
Russian leader Vladimir
Putin is pushing a controversial new idea. He wants
to create a "Eurasian Union" to integrate the
independent republics of the former USSR into a single economic - and
eventually political - super-state.
Putin bills it as an
eastern version of the European Union. Critics see Russia's age-old
imperial ambitions roaring back under a new name. Amid the debate, most
observers have yet to notice how
rapidly Putin's brainchild is moving from rhetoric to reality.
Last week, at a meeting in
St. Petersburg, eight former Soviet states signed a free-trade treaty
that Putin hailed as a first step, possibly leading to full union within
4 years.
"Only in around 2015 may we approach the
realization of the idea of creation of Eurasian Union if we work as
energetically as we have been," said Putin, who is currently
prime minister, but is widely expected to retake the reigns as president
next year. "This is the matter of the
"We propose creating a powerful supranational
union capable of becoming a pole in the modern world, and at the same
time an effective bridge between Europe and the dynamic Asia-Pacific
Region," Putin wrote.
"A Eurasian Union will differ from the EU in that
it will be based on Eurasian values, not European ones," says
Alexander Dugin, head of the International Eurasian Movement, a group of
right-wing businessmen, officials and intellectuals that is thought to
have considerable influence in the Kremlin. He says the EU's reliance on
liberal economic institutions to hold it together is its fatal flaw, and
that Putin will move to cement the
economic integration of the Eurasian Union with strong central
"Economics are
important, but we will need to stress the political process of
integration," he says. "From what we see happening in Europe it's clear
that at times of crisis the whole union can split apart if it is built
without strong political and geopolitical values which can transcend the
The Eurasian Union must be constructed with a
strong political horizon in mind."
Read Full Article....
October 29 - Christian church teams up with high priestess of Isis / Famous denomination welcoming paganism with guided meditations
Article: Unbiblical Christianity
A Protestant
church in California is coming under fire from some Christians
over its upcoming conference
featuring "guided meditations" by a high priestess of the pagan
fertility goddess Isis. The fifth annual
"Faith and Feminism Conference" taking place Nov. 11-13 is being
hosted by the Ebenezer Lutheran Church
in San Francisco, which bills itself as "her church."
Among the
scheduled participants is Loreon Vigne,
high priestess of Isis Oasis
- a temple, retreat and animal sanctuary Vigne founded in 1978
in Geyserville, Calif.
"I personally see Isis as Mother Nature,"
Vigne told WND,
"and that she encompasses everything with
her wings. She's a winged goddess. She encompasses any other
goddess from any culture." Vigne, who plans to bring several
other priestesses to the conference, will conduct prayers, songs
and meditation.
"Guided meditation is where the audience
closes their eyes and you take them on a little journey,"
she explained. "I've taken
people to their past lives in Egypt, as [that culture] had all
the secrets. They're the ones that knew. Their main concept is
to know thyself, know thy heart, know thy soul and know thy
honoring the goddess, the
staff of Isis Oasis also provides massage therapy along with
tarot and astrology readings, according
to its website.
But the
San Francisco event
blending non-existent, heathen deities with the Christian
faith is leaving some outraged.
the event is one of its organizers, Rev. Megan Rohrer,
the first openly transgender
Lutheran minister ordained in the United States.
"I think the world is
much more interested in interfaith connection than
exclusivity," Rohrer told WND.
"It's really not that unusual. Christianity was
founded in the time of the beginnings of lots of
things." While acknowledging concern about mixing
paganism with Christianity is a "hot-button issue,"
the pastor said,
"Christians that say that probably don't know what
paganism is."
This particular Lutheran church in San Francisco
is far from what many
might consider mainstream.
For instance, it
heavily promotes a female identity for God, with a
giant banner hanging from its purple exterior
declaring "God/dess loves all her children."
"We are a diverse
community, standing firmly within the Christian
tradition in order to re-image the divine by
claiming her feminine persona,"
the church proclaims.
"Our Christian/Lutheran feminist prayers
and liturgy reach back into the storehouse of
tradition to bring forth names as Mother, Shaddai,
Sophia, Womb, Midwife, Shekinah, She Who Is. They do
so out of renewed insights into the nature of the
Gospel empowered by the risen Christ-Sophia."
Other events at the conference include a
chanting workshop with another Isis priestess,
Katie Kethcum, "inclusive" hymns, sacred walks,
sacred drums, sacred dance and Kundalini Yoga
mantras, which the church says "are composed of
basic phonetic sounds common to all languages
and have been used to invoke the presence of the
Divine for centuries."
Read Full Article....
November 1 - Everyone is called to be holy, Pope says on All Saints Day
Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last days
Comment from Understand the Times:
Those who are
seeking ecumenical unity with Rome should read the following article
and wake up. For some reason, few are warning about the One World
Religion that is coming with headquarters in Rome.
Pope Benedict XVI said on
today's feast of All Saints that everyone is called by Jesus to
holiness in their own path toward sainthood.
The Pope also reflected on
how today's emphasis on the "communion of saints" continues into
tomorrow's commemoration of All Souls, which occurs every Nov. 2.
This is the day when the Church prays for the souls in Purgatory.
All Souls Day, the Pope
said, "helps us to remember our loved ones who have left us,
and all the souls on their way to the fullness
of life, just on the horizon of the heavenly Church."
He noted how
the custom of praying for the dead has existed
since "the early days of the Christian faith," and that these
prayers are "not only useful but necessary," since they "not only
can help them" but also make their prayers for those on earth
In many Catholic parts of
the world, All Souls Day is marked by visiting
the graves of loved ones. In several Spanish speaking countries -
particularly Mexico - this custom is referred to as the "Day of the
Pope Benedict concluded
by entrusting both "our pilgrimage to
the homeland of Heaven," as well as that of our "dead brothers and
sisters," to the maternal intercession of the Virgin Mary, Queen of
All Saints.
Read Full Article....
October 31 - Vatican official explains keys to New Evangelization
Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days
Comment from Understand the Times:
In order to
participate in the New Evangelization it will be necessary to
believe that Jesus is a wafer and that he can be placed in a
container. While Rome says this is pointing people to "Jesus," the
biblical definition of this kind of belief is best described as
The secretary of the
Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, Archbishop Octavio
Ruiz Arenas recently outlined the important elements of the New
Evangelization called for by Blessed John Paul II and now Benedict
The concept of the New Evangelization came out of the Third General
Conference of the Latin American Bishops' Council in Puebla, Mexico,
the archbishop explained. The task of the Church, the council said,
was to forge "an evangelization of the culture
and a new quality of evangelization as well, which begins at the
personal level, in the family and at the parish, in order to
confront the widespread phenomenon of secularization."
Archbishop Ruiz Arenas then listed a series of requirements for
undertaking this task. The first, he said, is to "give primacy to
grace," as John Paul II taught. "We must be aware that it is the
Holy Spirit that works in the Church. We must not fall into the
temptation to think that it is our works or our plans that lead to
results and to conversion," he explained.
The second is "to live as an authentic missionary disciple.
Discipleship is a reality that cannot be lived in an isolated,
individual way, but rather it must be lived in community. The Lord
went about choosing and calling his disciples. Today he calls each
one of us as well and gives us a mission.
The third requirement is to
show great generosity, while the fourth is that the all the activity
of the Church be an expression of love and service in search of the
comprehensive well-being of the human person. This love and service
speaks for itself and constitutes a form of evangelization. "By our
words, our silence and our example, we make what we proclaim and
celebrate believable," the archbishop said.
The fifth requirement is that prayer be at the foundation of
everything that we do. "We live in a world of continual agitation
and movement, which translates into activism that runs of risk of
'doing for the sake of doing,'" he continued.
The sixth requirement is the
centrality of the Eucharist, "which contains in itself the very
nucleus of the mystery of the Church and constitutes the source and
summit of the entire Christian life. The mystery of the faith is
celebrated in it with joy, as it makes present the central event of
our salvation and brings about the work of our redemption, making
the redeeming sacrifice of Christ ever present in our time,"
the archbishop said.
The seventh requirement is continual reading of the Word of God. "We
urgently need to trust in the Sacred Scriptures and be familiar with
them, so that they will be the compass that guides our path," he
said, recommending the prayerful
reading of the Bible through "lectio divina."
He concluded by reminding young people of John Paul II's call to
"cast out into the deep" in order to be "evangelizers of others: of
your families, your friends and companions and of all those whose
faith is weak or who are afraid to commit to the Lord.
Today, you are the Apostles of the New
The Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization was created by
Pope Benedict XVI in June of 2010 to foster a
reawakening of the faith especially in Europe and the United States.
Read Full Article....
November 2 - Sarkozy, Obama push for financial crisis solution
Article: One World Governement
Europe's debt drama dominated talks among
leaders of the Group of 20 leading economies Thursday, with Greece's
government facing potential collapse and European leaders admitting that
the eurozone may face losing its weakest member. U.S. President Barack
Obama, Chinese President Hu Jintao and other world leaders began the
formal G-20 summit after a morning packed with bilateral meetings and
a hurriedly organized meeting of eurozone
officials to respond to developments in Greece - which risk fracturing
Europe's common currency area and the EU itself.
President Barack Obama said the most important task at the G-20 summit
is to resolve the European financial crisis and
urged European Union leaders to flesh out details of their ambitious
plan to rescue Greece and stabilize financial markets.
"We have found a common analysis to make
the financial world contribute" to finding a solution to the crisis,
Sarkozy told reporters after talks with the U.S. president. He said he
welcomed Obama's "understanding on subjects such as a tax on financial
said he and Sarkozy discussed developments in Greece "and how we can
work to help resolve that situation." Obama didn't give any details on
what the U.S. might do in concert with its European allies.
"The United States will continue to be a partner
with the Europeans to resolve these challenges,"
Obama said.
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged the G-20 leaders to turn their
attention to other pressing world issues, too.
"They should first of all, as leaders of this
global economy, and global world, look beyond the immediate concerns -
euro crisis - there are so many issues. Billions of people are going
hungry to bed, and there are hundreds of millions of people who are
sick, who need support," he told The Associated Press in an
interview. "I'm concerned about this
deteriorating international economic situation and therefore leaders
should show unity of purpose, and they should get united,"
he said.
G-20 leaders are slated to discuss food
security, reform of the international monetary system and the volatility
of commodity prices - none of which is expected to
get much attention or produce any solid conclusions at a summit so
dominated by the European quagmire.
Read Full Article....
November 3 - Iran says united and 'ready for war' with Israel
Article: Wars And Rumors Of Wars
Iranian Foreign Minister
Ali Akbar Salehi on Thursday responded to reports claiming Israel is
planning a military attack against his country, stating
Tehran is "ready for war" with Israel.
"We have been hearing
threats from Israel for eight years. Our nation is a united nation
such threats are not new to us," Salehi told Turkey's Hürriyet Daily.
Salehi further warned that if any
country would attempt an attack, Iran would not hesitate to retaliate.
"We are very sure of ourselves. We can defend our country,"
Salehi claimed. Salehi's statements come a day after Iran's chief of
staff said Israel would be severely punished for
any attack on Iranian soil.
"We would make them regret such a mistake and
would severely punish them," Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi told the
ISNA news agency on Wednesday.
"In case of an attack by the Zionist regime, the
United States would also be hit," he added, without
Britain is also stepping up its preparations for a
military strike on Iran, The Guardian newspaper
reported on Wednesday. According to its report,
London is increasingly concerned over Tehran's
nuclear program and is preparing to deploy Royal Navy ships in the
coming months to assist a possible American strike on Iran.
Read Full Article....
We hope the Weekly News In Review has been a
blessing to you.
Sincerely, Roger Oakland