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The News In Review newsletter is a service
by Understand The Times that
is a compilation of the news articles
previously posted
on our site . Understand The Times does not
endorse these events but rather is
showing the church the current events.
purpose of posting these articles is to warn the church of deception from a
Biblical perspective.
August US Concerned Over China Rapid Military Buildup
Article: Miscellaneous
appears on track to forge a modern military by 2020, a rapid buildup that could
be potentially destabilizing to the Asia-Pacific region, the Pentagon
said on Wednesday.
Fueled by its booming economy, China's military
growth in the past decade has exceeded most U.S. forecasts. Its aircraft carrier
program, cyber warfare capabilities and anti-satellite missiles have alarmed
neighbors and Washington.
"China clearly believes that it can
capitalize on the global financial crisis," said Representative Howard
McKeon, adding the U.S. military presence in the Pacific must not be sacrificed
in an attempt to control U.S. spending.
The Defense Department's annual assessment to Congress on the Chinese military
flagged all the major concerns about China's growing military might, including
Beijing's widening edge over Taiwan. It also noted cyber attacks in 2010 --
including those on U.S. government computers -- that appear to have originated
in China.
"We have some concerns (on cyber) about some of the things that we've seen. And
we want to be able to work through that with China," said Michael
Schiffer, a deputy assistant secretary of defense.
"Despite continued gaps in some key areas, large quantities of antiquated
hardware and a lack of operational experience,
the PLA (China's People's Liberation Army) is steadily closing the technological
gap with modern armed forces," the report said.
"The pace and scope of China's sustained
military investments have allowed China to pursue capabilities that we believe
are potentially destabilizing to regional military balances,"
Schiffer said.
Read Full Article ....
August 24 - Duke prof.: American's religious faith waning
Article: Perilous Times
Despite the
prominence of religious believers in politics and culture,
America has shrinking congregations, growing
dissatisfaction with religious leaders and more people who do not think
about faith, according to a new study by a Duke
University expert.
In "American Religion:
Contemporary Trends," author Mark Chaves argues that
over the last generation or so, religious belief in the U.S. has experienced
a "softening" that effects everything from whether people go to worship
services regularly to whom they marry. Far more people are willing to say
they don't belong to any religious tradition today than in the past, and
signs of religious vitality may be camouflaging stagnation or decline.
as many as 20 percent of all Americans say they don't belong to any
religious group, Chaves found,
compared with around 3 percent in the 1950s. Yet, those people aren't
necessarily atheists, agnostics or others. Instead,
about 92 percent of Americans still profess belief in
God, they just don't use religion as part of their identity.
Even signs of robust
religious faith may not be what they appear, Chaves found.
The strength of religious conservatives in politics, for example, has
coincided with a growing disillusionment about faith's role in the public
square. Chaves found that between 1991 and 2008, the percentage of Americans
who strongly agreed that religious leaders should stay out of politics rose
from 20 percent to 44 percent.
Anderson thinks
the change is better described as a shift than
a decline, as people become more willing to leave the denominations or
faiths in which they were raised and look elsewhere for spiritual
Read Full Article....
August 25 - Group of United Methodists try to change church's position on gays
Article: Perilous Times
Hundreds of United
Methodists trying to make their 12
million-member, worldwide denomination more gay-friendly
are meeting in Huron this week for a national conference.
They hope to soon change their
church's official position that homosexuality is a sin
-- an issue that has caused a raging debate among the laity and
clergy for decades.
"The practice of homosexuality is incompatible to
Christian teaching," reads a section in the Methodists' Book of
Discipline. But the nearly 700
people expected to attend the four-day conference at Sawmill Creek
Resort, beginning Thursday, are working to rewrite the Book.
To do that they will call on the denomination's
General Conference in April in Tampa Bay, Fla.,
to vote on new language that would allow openly
gay clergy and the blessing of same-sex unions.
Previous conference votes
showed the movement prevailing in the United States but failing in
Europe and Africa, said Plummer, noting that Methodists in those
two continents tend to be conservative.
He said the vote in 2008 lost by less than 5 percent of the 1,000 votes
cast. "We have the votes in the U.S.,"
he said. "Now we're
working to get the votes worldwide."
Read Full Article....
August 28 - Irene Wreaks Havoc on East Coast: $8 Billion in Damage, 18 Dead
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Hurricane Irene roared
through the Northeast today like a rude, unwelcome guest,
leaving at least 18 dead, millions without power,
paralyzed cities, and an estimated $8 billion to $15 billion in damages.
Emergency officials said
the storm knocked out power to more
than 4 million people in six states and the recovery bill is still
New Jersey Gov. Chris
Christie said Sunday flooding in his
state is widespread and advised residents to remain indoors.
Irene's storm surge
reached 4 to 5 feet along the New Jersey and New York coastline. At
Battery Park, it was the sixth-highest water level
ever recorded at 9.5 feet above mean low water level, according
to emergency officials.
than 270,000 in New York lost power, while in New Jersey at least
460,000 statewide are without power. The National Grid reported that
19,000-plus homes in Rhode Island lost power, and 6,000-plus homes are
already without power in Massachusetts, according to utility records
listed in The New York Times today.
Extremely heavy rain
will continue to hit northern New England and upstate New York as Irene
plows north through this afternoon, which will
cause the area impacted by flooding to expand. Flood watches and
warnings are in effect for this entire area.
In North Carolina,
the state that took the first hard hit from Irene, residents woke up to
a soggy state after rain saturated the state for
more than 30 hours. The hurricane hit the coast Saturday morning with
sustained winds of 85 miles per hour.
"We are battling massive rain events, huge power outages, rising
waters, and paralyzed cities at the same time. This will take weeks to
overcome and get a sense of normality back in the lives of Americans."
Read Full Article....
August 26 - PayPal founder Peter Thiel funding a plan to build new societies in international waters
Article: Miscellaneous
PAYPAL billionaire Peter Thiel doesn't have
a hideous facial scar, a white cat or a diabolical plan to take over the
world. But his desire to build floating
countries in a bid create a new world order run along libertarian ideals
does scream Bond villain.
According to The Sun newspaper,
Thiel, 43, has given $1.19 million to the Seasteading
Institure, which believes the ocean is the "only option to create
new societies on Earth".
The first floating nation could
be built off San Francisco as soon as next year.
The new countries would be
a "kind of floating Petri dish for implementing
policies that libertarians, stymied by indifference at the voting booths,
have been unable to advance: no welfare, looser building codes, no minimum
wage and few restrictions on weapons".
Thiel, 43, who is worth $1.6 billion,
admitted that many saw the idea of creating societies in the ocean as a
crackpot scheme.
"There are quite a lot of people
who think it's not possible. "That's a good
thing. We don't need to really worry about those people very much, because
since they don't think it's possible they won't take us very seriously. And
they will not actually try to stop us until it's too late."
Read Full Article....
We hope the Weekly News In Review has been a
blessing to you.
Sincerely, Roger Oakland