Dear Ron,
The News In Review newsletter is a service
by Understand The Times that
is a compilation of the news articles
previously posted
on our site . Understand The Times does not
endorse these events but rather is
showing the church the current events.
purpose of posting these articles is to warn the church of deception from a
Biblical perspective.
March 3 - Obama Focusing on Foreign Affairs, Meeting with Mexican President
Article: One World Government
Comment from Understand the Times:
The path to a North American Union is becoming
clearer day by day. When Canada joins, the Union of North America
will be competed. Then we will see the New World Order unfold. Some
believe there may be ten regions. Time will tell. What we do know is
that a man will rule the world and he will be empowered by Satan. We
are seeing the footmarks in the sand right now.
President Barack Obama and
Mexican President Felipe Calderon are meeting
amid heightened tensions over violence at their shared border,
though no major breakthroughs are expected on what's quickly
becoming a defining issue in the relationship between the North
American allies.
Administration officials
said the White House has been working closely with Calderon's
government on how to protect U.S. personnel
working in Mexico, but they wouldn't say whether Obama would press
the Mexican leader to allow U.S. agents to be armed.
U.S. and Mexican officials
have emphasized that Calderon's visit was planned before Zapata's
killing. The leaders are expected discuss a
wide range of topics, including economic cooperation and immigration,
during a private meeting before taking questions from reporters.
The contentious debate
over immigration dominated Calderon's visit to the White House in
May, shortly after Arizona passed a law that
makes it a state crime to be in the U.S. illegally and requires
police to question people about their immigration status if there's
reason to suspect they're illegal. Mexico's government strongly
opposes the law, and the Mexican Senate this week urged Calderon to
again vehemently make their opposition known to Obama.
also opposes the Arizona law; the White House
said that comprehensive immigration reform remains high on Obama's
agenda and that the president would update Calderon on the state of
the immigration debate in the U.S.
Negotiations also are
continuing between the two countries
over opening U.S. highways to Mexican trucks, as was agreed to in
the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement.
U.S. truck drivers oppose allowing Mexican motor carriers access to
the U.S., saying the Mexicans have an economic advantage because
they don't have to meet as stringent safety and environmental
Read Full Article ....
March 2 - Why the Dollar's Reign Is Near an End
Article: One World Government
Comment from Understand the Times:
The demise of the dollar is predictable in
light of the New World Order. First, there will be a global currency
and then this will be centered around electronic funds transfer,
followed by the chip in you right hand or your forehead.
The single most
astonishing fact about foreign exchange is not the high volume of
transactions, as incredible as that growth has been. Nor is it the
volatility of currency rates, as wild as the markets are these days.
Instead, it's the extent to which
the market remains dollar-centric.
The greenback, in
other words, is not just America's currency.
It's the world's.
But as astonishing as that is, what
may be even more astonishing is this: The dollar's reign is coming
to an end. I believe that over the next 10
years, we're going to see a
profound shift toward a world in which several currencies compete
for dominance.
The impact of
such a shift will be equally profound, with
implications for, among other things, the stability of exchange
rates, the stability of financial markets, the ease with which the
U.S. will be able to finance budget and current-account deficits,
and whether the Fed can follow a policy of benign neglect toward the
But just because
this has been true in the past doesn't guarantee that it will be
true in the future. In fact, all three pillars
supporting the dollar's international dominance are eroding.
Now, however,
nearly everyone carries hand-held devices that can be used to
compare prices in different currencies in real time. Just as we have
learned that in a world of open networks there is room for more than
one operating system for personal computers,
there is room in the global economic and financial system for more
than one international currency.
Second, the
dollar is about to have real rivals in the international sphere for
the first time in 50 years. There will soon be
two viable alternatives, in the form of the euro and China's yuan.
But now, mainly
as a result of the financial crisis, federal
debt is approaching 75% of U.S. gross domestic product.
Trillion-dollar deficits stretch as far as the eye can see. And as
the burden of debt service grows heavier, questions will be asked
about whether the U.S. intends to maintain the value of its debts or
might resort to inflating them away. Foreign investors will be
reluctant to put all their eggs in the dollar basket. At a minimum,
the dollar will have to share its safe-haven status with other
Read Full Article....
March 4 - Pakistanis Bury Slain Christian, Warn Of Extremism
Article: Miscellaneous
Comment from Understand the Times:
Rising Islamic extremism? How can that be
happening? George Bush and Barack Obama don't see it that way. Maybe
we can all just get along. According to Rick Warren of Saddleback
Church, this is what we need to do. What do you think? Is it
possible with out signs and wonders?
Men beat their bare chests, women wailed and church leaders
warned Pakistan was sinking under the weight of extremism on Friday as
they buried a Christian politician assassinated for opposing
harsh blasphemy laws.
Shahbaz Bhatti,
the sole Christian government minister in this
Muslim-majority country, was shot dead Wednesday after
receiving threats for campaigning to change laws that impose the death
penalty for insulting Islam. He was the second Pakistani politician
killed in two months over the matter, and his death
underscored the perils facing a government that is increasingly too weak
to govern well in the face of rising Islamist extremism.
As Bhatti was being mourned,
a bomb blast at a mosque in Pakistan's northwest
village of Akbarpura killed eight people, another sign of the militants'
strength. Thousands of people thronged the roads in Khushpur, a
Christian-dominated village of around 10,000 in eastern Punjab province,
chanting slogans demanding justice as Bhatti's body was flown in and
driven through in an ambulance covered with rose petals.
Khushpur, a modest village,
has been home to several prominent Christians. They include Bishop John
Joseph, who killed himself to protest a death
sentence given to a Christian convicted of blaspheming Islam when he
praised Salman Rushdie's book "The Satanic Verses."
Christians are the largest
religious minority in Pakistan, where 95 percent of the country's 180
million people are Muslim. They are often victims
of discrimination and persecution, and they typically live in poor parts
of towns and do low-skilled, badly paid jobs.
Bhatti and Punjab province
Gov. Salman Taseer both criticized the blasphemy
laws after a Christian woman was sentenced to death under them last
year. On Jan. 4, Taseer was shot dead by one of his
bodyguards, who said he was angry about the governor's stance on the
Read Full Article ....
March 8 - Ahmadinejad calls for new world order
Article: One World Government
Comment from Understand
the Times:
It is interesting to see how religion
is playing such a major role in the development of the New World Order.
On March 6, 2011 Tony Blair and Rick Warren met to discuss a One World
Religion for Peace at Saddleback Church in Southern California. Within a
week, we hear Iranian
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a Muslim, is calling for a New World
Further, it
is well known that Ahmadinejad has demanded that Israel be wiped off the
How are Tony Blair and Rick Warren going to deal with all of this?
Besides, it is a well known fact that Warren does not take Bible
prophecy seriously even though the events we are describing fulfill
Bible prophecy.
Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad says Iran and India need to help
spread justice in the world as the duo share humane perspectives on
international affairs.
the formation of a new world order is of prime
importance and it is upon the independent countries to prevent the
same old oppressive order from insinuating itself into a new form,"
the website of the Iranian president's office quoted him as saying
in a meeting with India's National Security Advisor Shiv Shankar
Menon in Tehran on Monday.
Ahmadinejad underlined the role of Iran's and India's cultural
background and said the issue of
culture will significantly contribute to the new world order.
The Iranian chief executive also
called for further cooperation between Tehran
and New Delhi. For his part,
the Indian official lauded his country's
relations with the Islamic Republic and emphasized India's
willingness "to establish all-out strategic relations with Iran."
Iran is India's
second-largest oil supplier after Saudi Arabia, with New
Delhi importing 12 million barrels of Iranian crude on a monthly
Read Full Article ....
March 6 - Fidelity of new pastoral ministry program at University of Dallas questioned (Updated)
Article: Romanm Catholic Church And The Last Days
Comment from Understand
the Times:
If the fidelity of Roman
Catholic teaching is being challenged at the University of Dallas, then
there is a question that needs to be asked. What about the fidelity of
the teachings of the Bible? Much of what is called Roman Catholic
doctrine or dogma is either not found in the Bible or it contradicts the
Bible. Maybe the reform that is spoken about in this article should go a
bit deeper and get to the real root of the problem.
Hundreds of
students at the University of Dallas are questioning the
idea of courses for a new degree in pastoral ministry being
taught by teachers from the School of Ministry, after one
critic alleged some of them have
publicly disagreed with Church teaching.
wrote a March 2 column for "The Catholic Thing" expressing
concern that the courses may be taught by faculty members
from the university's School of Ministry rather than the
undergraduate theology department. Fagan cited
multiple instances in which School of
Ministry faculty members allegedly deviated from Catholic
teaching on topics including homosexuality, priestly
celibacy and women's ordination. Upon closer examination,
many of the Fagan's assertions of infidelity to Church
teaching were not substantiated by the original texts.
He also
noted that several teachers rely
solely upon textbooks by authors who challenge Church
teaching on important modern topics such as euthanasia and
moral relativism, as well as who oppose Eucharistic
adoration as outdated as unnecessary.
is becoming evident that the School of Ministry is being led
by people who have publicly expressed views that conflict
with important and fundamental beliefs of the Catholic
Church," said senior Katie Prejean.
"I'm worried about the future of the
said that the strong student response
was an indication of commitment to
Catholic teaching. "Such a negative reaction is coming out
of this because we are truly opposed to it,"
she explained.
"I guarantee you, no heretical
teachings will take part in the pastoral studies degree
program," Keefe stated.
bishop then acknowledged that concerns
about fidelity to Church teaching in the new program had
been raised. He assured the people of the diocese that he
will always be "deeply concerned" about the "Catholic
identity and the Catholic structure that is given in this
degree program. That is my responsibility. I do not take it
lightly," he said.
Read Full Article ....
March 3 - Revealed: David Cameron's secret talks with Tony Blair over Libya crisis
Article: Wars And Rumors Of Wars
Comment from Understand
the Times:
Tony Blair is a very important man in
today's world. He is key in negotiating a peace plan in the Middle East
as this article states. The world is set up like a time bomb. Where will
this lead? Read the Bible, Ezekiel chapter 38.
David Cameron
has been secretly consulting Tony Blair about Libya
despite publicly criticizing his links with Colonel
Gaddafi. Senior officials say the Prime Minister
has held at least two
conversations in the past fortnight with the former
Labour premier, now a Middle East peace envoy. Mr
Cameron has consulted Mr Blair
about the Libyan dictator's state of mind and sought
advice about how to make him quit.
In a rambling televised
speech in Tripoli, the embattled despot lashed out at
Europe and the United States and
declared they faced 'another Vietnam' if they launch
military action.
'They will set foot in hell -
worse than Afghanistan,' he said.
'We will enter a bloody war and
thousands of Libyans will die if the United States
enters or Nato enters. We will fight until the last man
and woman.
'We are ready
to hand out weapons to a million, or two million or
three million, and another Vietnam will begin. It
doesn't matter to us. We no longer care about anything.'
But senior government
sources have confirmed that
contacts with Mr Blair have been conducted 'at the
highest levels' - code for Mr Cameron. A senior
Whitehall official said Mr Blair's office warned Downing
Street he was planning to talk to
the Libyan despot, telling him it was time to go.
'Then Blair got in touch again to
say that he had spoken to Gaddafi and said he was going
to speak to him again.'
Since then, Mr Cameron
has discussed the situation personally with Mr Blair. A
second senior source said: 'It's
not a case of Cameron using him as a conduit to Gaddafi,
it's a case of picking his brains.'
While the Government
has claimed a no-fly zone could be set up
without a UN resolution, former Lib Dem leader
Paddy Ashdown, the former high representative in
Bosnia, insisted it would be essential. He said:
'In my view, this can't be done without a UN
Security Council resolution.' He added that
support for
military action had to be obtained from a wider
'circle' than the West and must include the Arab
Read Full Article ....
March 7 - Church needs new ways to evangelize, synod document says
Article: Roman Catholic Chruch And The Last Days
Comment from Understand the Times:
The pope's New Evangelization program has a number of goals. One is to:dialogue with members of other religions can help Christians learn more about the shared human yearning for God and for meaning; the more Christians understand the desires of the human heart and how they are expressed today, the more easily they can respond,
Another is to point the dedicated and the undedicated to the "eucharistic Jesus" that requires a priest to conjure up "his" presence to worship and adore.
The Catholic Church's "new evangelization" effort is not an attempt to present the Gospel again to people who did not understand it the first time, but to present the Gospel in a way that makes sense and gives hope to modern men and women, said the general secretary of the Synod of Bishops.
The synod outline defines "new evangelization" as "the courage to forge new paths in responding to the changing circumstances and conditions facing the church in her call to proclaim and live the Gospel today."
The document said bringing people back to Christ will be impossible unless there are efforts to evangelize increasingly secular cultures, to evangelize increasingly diverse societies and to evangelize the media, the economy, politics, science and the church itself.
By calling for a "new evangelization," the church is not criticizing the way the faith was initially transmitted, the document said, but rather it is recognizing that it needs to find new ways of proclaiming the Gospel that respond to the needs of people who are living in modern societies where anything involving God or faith is considered naive or too private for polite conversation.
The document emphasized the importance of giving the baptized a solid education in the basics of the faith and in helping nourish their faith with the Eucharist and the Bible, especially through good preaching at Masses.
While the synod outline said Christians must always act in a way that witnesses to the faith and cannot be afraid to tell others about Christ, it also said dialogue with members of other religions can help Christians learn more about the shared human yearning for God and for meaning; the more Christians understand the desires of the human heart and how they are expressed today, the more easily they can respond, it said.
Read Full Article ....
March 7 - Higher Consciousness, Simulation Hypothesis, and Other Religious Matters
Article: New Age
Comment from Understand the Times:
There is a
simple way to interpret the following article. As Satan said to Eve:
"You can be like the gods." This is the devil's lie.
The philosophy
of mind is important for popular transhumanist topics.
Many desire to accelerate the development of some sort of
'higher consciousness', sometimes in virtual reality.
Although this issue may be approached with the most serious
input of specific fields, for example cutting edge neuroscience,
it is nevertheless often handled in a philosophically naïve way.
Generalized evolution involves further evolution in emerging
higher strata. Cyber space is such a new stratum, with science
and technology becoming mere tools ensuring our ultimate
enslavement. Whatever will be left of us may become no more
autonomous than the cells of a mass murderer's skin and gut that
willingly die for the greater good, a system that science itself
in turn helps make us believe to be the only alternative and
heaven on earth. We are not
there yet, but we are well on our way.
What a silly idea: An advanced structure having any interest
whatsoever in recreating some violent, self-important beings
from way back in the old days. What a
sadistic god 2.0 who re-creates all this suffering. But
such is not my main concern. There are
enough geeks out there who love to play god. We should not
confuse 'advanced' with 'better'. Evolution is not a ladder
upwards to some telos in the sky.
And this is only half or even less of my criticism.
We are near a breakthrough in the
understanding of how the phenomenal mind seems to
supervene on the physical via the physical being quantum physics
rather than naively existing patterns really out there.
The full argument is not something I can describe here, but the
relevant result is that there are only two ways in which you can
try to simulate:
1) In a classical physics simulation like the
Game of Life,
no phenomenal consciousness supervenes and all you have is a
bunch of zombies.
2) Inside a quantum simulation, in which case you do not need to
bother, as all that you can simulate is already simulated by the
universe and your choice of initial conditions hardly constrains
anything happening inside the quantum superposition of the
Sure, this is really a physics description
of the philosophically known non-existence of traditional
creator deities. It is the fact that any such god is totally
decoupled from its own creation, which exists relative to itself
already anyway. It does not fully argue against god 2.0
developing on our own level.
I introduced here maybe two and a half novel criticisms that
should cool the high hopes of transhumanists, and I have not
even addressed the main point, namely that
truly advanced intellects will likely soon seek nirvana anyway.
My conclusion is that those hopes for higher
consciousness and heaven on earth or in the computer are
fashionably sciency but also plain old religion.
Read Full Article....
March 6 - Magnitude 6.2 Earthquake Hits Northern Chile
Article: Signs Of The Last Tmes
A magnitude-6.2 earthquake
has shaken a northern region of Chile, but no injuries
or major damages have been reported.
The U.S. Geological Survey in Colorado says the
quake was centered in Putre, about 40 miles from the port of Arica near the
border with Peru.
The quake happened about 9:30 a.m. local time
and had a depth of about 70 miles.
Chile's national emergency agency says
the quake caused some alarm among the population, but
that it has had no reports of injuries or damages.
On Feb. 27, 2010, a
magnitude-8.8 quake in central Chile killed 524 people and left 31 missing.
Read Full Article ....
March 4 - Homeland Security Considering Portable, Instant DNA Scanners
Article: Technology For Global Monetary System
portable, breadbox-sized scanner could map out your body's DNA in less than
an hour -- and the Feds want it added to the agency's tool bag.
The device is being studied in the research-and-development wing of the
Department of Homeland Security,
provided a special small-business contract to Network Biosystems (or NetBio)
to build it. The agency will use the scanner at first on asylum seekers and
refugees -- but civil liberties guardians warned that the device
has explosive potential for misuse.
"If it
were used for routine criminal investigations, it would raise the specter of
a national DNA database," Verdi told FoxNews.com.
"There are a lot of legal and constitutional hurdles
that would have to be overcome for it to be lawfully used." For
example, DHS must take care to dispose of
the information it gleans from a DNA scanning search once that information
has fulfilled its purpose, Verdi said.
DHS spokesman Chris Ortman
told FoxNews.com the agency expects to test
a prototype of the rapid DNA screener this summer.
"Those requirements and
obligations have to be observed. The department would be well advised to vet
this technology through its privacy committees and its internal privacy
apparatus," Verdi stated, "but in addition, there
needs to be independent oversight of a program like this. There needs to be
oversight by lawmakers and oversight by citizens who are experts in these
areas of technology, health records, and security to ensure the
agency is not collecting data, retaining data, or sharing data contrary to
law and regulation."
Read Full Article ....
March 6 - RELIGION: Relic draws worshipers equipped with cell phone cameras
Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days
Sixteen hundred years ago,
if someone wanted to describe a relic of Mary Magdalene and the cave in
southern France in which it rests, they would have needed a little vellum
and a lot of patience. On Sunday, all it took was the click of a camera
Hundreds of faithful Catholics and even a
few from other faiths brought plenty of those to St. Catherine
of Siena in Rialto to capture the image of a 6-inch piece of bone
believed to have been from Mary Magdalene, among the
holiest saints of the church. So goes veneration of saints in the 21st
"It got here at 6:30 this morning," the Rev. Stephen Porter, pastor of St.
Catherine, said quietly, as if about to impart a secret.
"The first thing I did was knelt in front of it and
prayed. Then I took a photo of it. My Facebook page was updated with the
photo by 7:30."
In all, St. Catherine has about 8,000 parishioners, making it one of the
largest of the 97 Catholic churches in the Diocese of San Bernardino. Porter
said he noticed significantly more attending Sunday's
masses, two in English and two others in Spanish. Visitors he met
included Eastern Orthodox and even a couple of protestants.
At the foot of the altar at St. Catherine more than 700 years later,
the faithful rubbed their hands at the corner of the glass case holding
another glass tube surrounding the bone fragment. Some knelt and prayed.
Four gold angel statuettes stood at the corners of the tube, as if guarding
the relic. Below the tube, a plaque with the scripted
name "Maria Magdalene" was attached.
Irene Briones, of Rialto, rubbed a necklace
adorned with a cross and images of several saints against the case.
"It's very sacred," Briones said.
"It's like something we should all believe. It's a
reaffirmation of my faith."
Read Full Aricle ....
We hope the Weekly News In Review has been a
blessing to you.
Sincerely, Roger Oakland