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August 15 - For Pope Francis, Mary's greatness comes down to this one virtue

Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days

On the feast of the Assumption of Mary, Pope Francis said that faith is the defining virture of her greatness and that the mysterious way she was taken into heaven is a foreshadowing of what awaits each of us. Dogmatically defined in 1950, the assumption of the Virgin Mary's body into heaven is celebrated Aug. 15 every year, and is one of the most important Marian feast days in the Catholic Church.
Francis pointed to the famous canticle Mary uttered in response, called the "Magnificat," in which she praises God for the marvelous deeds he has done both in her own life and throughout history. In this prayer Mary expresses her joy, because she is fully aware of what all the great works in her life at that point mean, namely that through her the Lord will accomplish the salvation her people have long been waiting for, the Pope said.The prayer also shows us the full meaning of Mary's life, he added, explaining that "if the mercy of the Lord is the engine of her story (then) she who bore the Lord of life (could not be touched by) the corruption of the tomb."

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