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Article: Misc. 

They may be on nearly every street that residents drive on, but Jacksonville's streetlights are about to get a whole lot smarter.
Through a pilot program with GE Lighting, JEA and the city, Downtown and surrounding neighborhoods will be outfitted with about 50 data-collecting LED streetlights, as part of the GE Intelligent City Initiative, announced Thursday morning.
As the first city on the East Coast to have this technology — and the second in the world, behind San Diego — the move is an opportunity for Jacksonville to become a cutting-edge city, said Mayor Alvin Brown. “This is another step forward,” he said. “We are a city on the move.”
The lights — which will come at no cost to taxpayers during the pilot program — will be interconnected with one another and will collect real-time data, as seen in a presentation by GE. Not only will the LED lights be more cost-efficient, they will also connect lighting infrastructure to the Internet. GE's Predix software will then analyze the data so the city can use it.


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