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March 3 - Scientists grow kidneys of aborted babies in animals

Article: Cloning And Genetic Engineering

Science publications are hailing research breakthroughs in a new life-saving procedure that harvests the organs of aborted children and transplants them in animals, where they can grow and then be made available to patients.
The Genetic Literacy Project website calls the process Xenotransplantation and suggests the biggest question would be, “Would you accept an organ from a pig, cow, baboon or a chimpanzee to save your child’s life, or your own?”
A biotech company in Redwood City, California, called Ganogen Inc. is researching the procedure. “Our long-term goal is to grow human organs in animals, to end the human donor shortage,” said Ganogen founder Eugene Gu. But even the science publications are noting the ethical problem. For each organ obtained to transplant into a rat or a pig to later help a needy adult, an unborn baby must be killed.

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