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February 23 - Iran is Deployed, 'Planning War' Along Israel's Northern Border

Article: Wars And Rumors Of Wars

Iran has built an active front from Israel's northern Mediterranean border adjacent to Rosh Hanikra, all the way to the Golan Heights. The goal: to undermine and wage war against the "Zionist entity" with conventional, powerful military means from within Lebanon and Syria.
So says Yigal Carmon, Counter-terrorism Adviser to prime ministers Yitzhak Shamir
and Yitzhak Rabin, and founder and president of the prestigious Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). "Iran has taken advantage of the chaos in the Middle East to form a united front from Tehran, through Baghdad, Syria and Lebanon," Carmon told Kol Yisrael public radio on Monday. "It has turned Syria into a Hezbollah-state for this purpose, and is making inroads into the PA-controlled areas in Judea, Samaria and Gaza for this purpose."

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