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The widespread availability of Gigabit Internet connectivity by 2025 will open a brave new world of killer apps, according to the more than 1,400 experts who contributed to the Pew Research Center’s latest study.

“Killer Apps in the Gigabit Age ,” released this morning, asserts that the biggest changes will center on augmented reality and telepresence – instantaneous “face-to-face” communication from anywhere in the world could become widespread, and localized augmented reality environments will change some of the most basic ways people interact. University of California – Berkeley professor Marti Hearst said that it’s the future’s surplus of bandwidth that will make the difference.
“These ideas aren't new, but they will finally work well enough if given high enough bandwidth,” she said. “More interaction will be done with others remotely. For example, your golf lesson could be done with a coach remotely, in real time, while he or she watches your swing at the tee and has you make corrections and adjust your grip.”




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