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Article: Misc. 

Smartphones continue to evolve, becoming more and more like micromanagement devices in the process. These devices absorb information like a sponge, building a profile on their user, information that can easily be breached by third parties. Using GPS technology, these gadgets already detail everywhere a person goes, mapping out their travels on a computer grid, making it easy to monitor and track people's every move. On top of that, the NSA dragnets smartphone communication data, screening texts, emails and calls. Internet sites visited, credit card purchases, social media activity -- all of this information can now be collected and analyzed in elaborate algorithms to market back to individuals. Smartphones are a gateway to a world where people have no private lives, a world where intelligence operations know everything about everybody.

Now there is a smartphone in development that will monitor users' blood and speech. This technology can really build a profile on users that is elaborate in detail. Using a camera, the phone can scan facial features for facial recognition databases. Now, with the built-in microphones, the phones can analyze a user's voice. In this way, smartphones make a great reverse spy tool that can be used against their users. New prototypes will seek to know the blood of users, analyzing DNA, stress and potential diseases. Of course, all these smartphone capabilities can be used to make life more convenient, but what about the privacy implications?




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