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Comment from UTT:
Pastor John Lindell correctly calls out the dangers of getting involved in the paranormal and warns how yoga is a method of opening the door to the demonic realm. He will be attacked aggressively by those who have embraced the emerging church. Thank you Pastor Lindell for standing up for the truth even though it is very unpopular to do so in the days in which we are living.
November 13 - Megachurch Pastor Says Yoga Has 'Demonic Roots,' 'Diametrically Opposed to Christianity'

Article: Miscellaneous

Missouri megachurch pastor John Lindell has warned his 10,000-member congregation not to participate in yoga, saying that positions associated with exercise and meditation activity were designed to "open you up to demonic power."


Lindell, the pastor of the James River Church in Ozark, gave a sermon titled "Pursuing the Paranormal" on the Sunday before Halloween in which he spoke out against "demonic influences" such as paganism, witchery, sorcery, fortune-telling, astrology and elements of Eastern mysticism such as yoga. "I am doing this because it seems that our culture is becoming increasingly obsessed with all things paranormal," the Assemblies of God pastor said at the beginning of the sermon.


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