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Comment from UTT:
The citizens of Sweden are beginning to realize there are serious dangers in submitting to a cashless society that can and will completely control them in the future. In spite of this fear, the world is headed towards the reality of a cashless system happening on a global basis in the future.


April 3 - Swedes Are Rising Up Against Cashless Society

Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System

Highly Technocratic Sweden is the world leader in driving cash out of society, opting for all digital transactions. Citizens are finally figuring out what could happen if the digital system got turned off, or if they were denied access to it. Citizens in other countries should pay close attention.  TN Editor

It is hard to argue that you cannot trust the government when the government isn’t really all that bad. This is the problem facing the small but growing number of Swedes anxious about their country’s rush to embrace a cash-free society. Most consumers already say they manage without cash altogether, while shops and cafes increasingly refuse to accept notes and coins because of the costs and risk involved. Until recently, however, it has been hard for critics to find a hearing.



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