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Comment from UTT:
Scientists are warning about the potential of the world facing a future global epidemic that could literally wipe out mankind. While this may seem unlikely in this age of technology, what the author of the article is describing lines up with what Jesus stated would be happening in the last days (Matthew chapter 24).


March 10 - Scientists warn of mysterious and deadly new epidemic called Disease X that could kill millions around the world 

Article: Signs Of The Last Times

An unknown and deadly new illness dubbed Disease X has been added to the list of potential global epidemics that could kill millions. Each year scientists with the World Health Organisation (WHO) create a list of the most likely diseases to break out into a worldwide pandemic.

This year, among the familiar Ebola, SARS, and Zika viruses is the new name of Disease X. And unlike the other pathogens, it is not known what causes Disease X or how doctors could try to treat it. Researchers said that they added Disease X to the threat list to recognise the fact that the next deadly pandemic could be started by an illness that has not caused any problems before.




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