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Comment from UTT:
The world is being prepared for a technological electronic system that will be able to monitor and control global citizens. This is another sign we are living in the last of the last days.

March 3 - “Smart” homes of the future replacing role of biological PARENTS, thanks to creepy new Google patent for Big Brother system

Article: Miscellaneous

The latest idea from Google goes beyond mere Orwellian Big Brother into full-blown automated robotic parenting. The company is planning a series of smart home technologies that will keep an eye on children and discipline them in lieu of their actual parents, warned an article from The Daily Mail.

Google filed a patent involving a smart home monitoring system that uses cameras, microphones, motion sensors, and thermal imaging to keep an eye on mischievous members of the family while the parents are away. The real-time information will be analyzed by Google Home, the company’s flagship smart speaker/home assistant product, which will formulate appropriate disciplinary actions.



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