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Comment from UTT:
Researchers state that producing sheep-human hybrids will produce hope in the future for mankind by providing organs for transplant. From a biblical perspective, the production of inter-species creatures defies biological boundaries created by God.


February 19 - Scientists Just Made Sheep-Human Hybrids. Here's What You Need to Know

Article: Cloning And Genetic Engineering


Researchers have achieved a new kind of chimeric first, producing sheep-human hybrid embryos that could one day represent the future of organ donation – by using body parts grown inside unnatural, engineered animals. With that end goal in mind, scientists have created the first interspecies sheep-human chimera, introducing human stem cells into sheep embryos, resulting in a hybrid creature that's more than 99 percent sheep – but also a tiny, little bit like you and me.

Admittedly, the human portion of the embryos created in the experiment – before they were destroyed after 28 days – is exceedingly small, but the fact it exists at all is what generates considerable controversy in this field of research.




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