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Comment from UTT:
The world has been prepared for the use of biometrics for the purpose of personal identification. The younger generation is more than willing to make the transition. This leads to the implementation of the ultimate in personal identification which is an electronic mark or chip that can be implanted into human tissues as the Book of Revelation predicts that will be required for a global cashless society.

January 29 - Millennials ready for biometrics, lax on passwords: IBM study

Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System

Two-thirds of all adults are comfortable using biometric authentication today, and 87 percent would consider using it in the future, according to a global study by IBM.

“The IBM Security: Future of Identity Study” also found that younger adults are more likely to use biometrics, multi-factor authentication and password managers to improve their personal security, even as they put less effort into traditional password hygiene. Just under half of all adults use complex passwords (49 percent), while only 42 percent of millennials do so, and millennials use an average of 8 passwords, compared to 12 for all adults. In contrast, 75 percent of millennials are comfortable with biometrics today, and only 58 percent of adults over 55 say the same.

Two-thirds of all adults are comfortable using biometric authentication today, and 87 percent would consider using it in the future, according to a global study by IBM.

“The IBM Security: Future of Identity Study” also found that younger adults are more likely to use biometrics, multi-factor authentication and password managers to improve their personal security, even as they put less effort into traditional password hygiene. Just under half of all adults use complex passwords (49 percent), while only 42 percent of millennials do so, and millennials use an average of 8 passwords, compared to 12 for all adults. In contrast, 75 percent of millennials are comfortable with biometrics today, and only 58 percent of adults over 55 say the same.




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