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Comment from UTT:
Pope Francis continues to work for an ecumenical unity with Lutherans by proposing a term called the "nature of the church." This means that issues that brought about the Reformation five hundred years ago must be set aside for a reunification Rome that the Pope will accept.


January 25 - Pope to Ecumenical Group: ‘By His Grace, May We Christians Be Instruments of His Peace’

Article: Bridges To Rome

As the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity draws to an end, the Pope stressed, we think back with joy on this past year’s joint commemoration of the Reformation. The Pope made a Oct. 31 – Nov. 1, 2016 Apostolic Visit to the Swedish cities of Malmo and Lund to commemorate the 500th year anniversary. This encounter, the Pope said, strengthened and deepened, in our Lord Jesus Christ, the communion between Lutherans and Catholics and their ecumenical partners throughout the world.

“This joint commemoration remains a fruitful opportunity for ecumenism, for it marked not a goal but rather a point of departure in the ecumenical quest for full and visible unity between Christians, under the threefold sign of gratitude, repentance and hope, all three of which are indispensable if we truly desire to heal our memory,” he said, noting: “It is not by chance that our efforts are moving towards the study of a major ecumenical question that we intend to discuss in the future, namely, the nature of the Church.”



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