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Comment from UTT:
The Bible reveals that when man willingly removes God from his thinking, he will immediately turn to the pagan gods. This article gives examples of how this is happening in the world today. The biblical pattern of the past is being repeated. There is nothing new under the sun.
December 4 - As Paganism Makes Comeback in Ireland, Temple Erected to Norse God Odin

Article: Miscellaneous

“On that day, men shall fling away, to the flying foxes and the bats, the idols of silver and the idols of gold which they made for worshiping.” (Isaiah 2:20)

As the pagan Norse religion makes a roaring comeback in Iceland, the Asatru Society is expected to finish construction of a new temple – the first structure dedicated to the Norse god Odin in over one thousand years. The Icelandic Ásatrú religion follows the belief systems of the Old Norse religion, or Germanic neo-paganism. The followers worship the ancient Norse gods such as Ódin, Thor and Freyja.  There have been no temples to the Norse gods in Iceland for over 900 years, but in 2015, the Ásatrú Society, re-established in 1972, began construction on a modern temple in Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland. It is expected to be ready for use sometime this summer at a final cost of around $1.25 million. The pagan religion is making a comeback in Iceland, necessitating the construction of the new facility.


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