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Comment from UTT:
Genetically engineering crops is another humanistic effort for mankind to replace the Creator in an attempt to redesign life. While these efforts seem to be an immediate answer to the global food supply, the long term results will be disastrous.

October 3 - Technocrats See Engineered Crops As Only Path To Solve Global Hunger 

Article: Cloning And Genetic Engineering


Technocracy is the ‘science of social engineering’ where the only solution to any problem is science itself. Thus, Technocrats will eagerly – and permanently – modify the germline of major food crops in order to feed the world. How will testing be accomplished? Well, there will be no testing. Technocrats see little need for testing when they deem the science to be ‘settled’.  TN Editor

The FAO’s (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has set 17 sustainable development goals and global objectives aimed at improving global conditions in a variety of areas like poverty, hunger, climate change and sustaining natural resources. At the heart of these initiatives is agriculture. According to the FAO, in order to ensure a global food supply capable of sustaining a growing population (an estimated 8.5 billion by 2030), food production must increase by 50% globally, and 200% in developing countries.




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