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Comment from UTT:
The Chinese are taking "face recognition" to a new level. A global monetary system that will use personal identification in various ways provides the basis for what the Bible predicts will soon control the world.
June 20 - Paying with Your Face  / Face-detecting systems in China now authorize payments, provide access to facilities, and track down criminals. Will other countries follow?

Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System

Shortly after walking through the door at Face++, a Chinese startup valued at roughly a billion dollars, I see my face, unshaven and looking a bit jet-lagged, flash up on a large screen near the entrance. Having been added to a database, my face now provides automatic access to the building. It can also be used to monitor my movements through each room inside. As I tour the offices of Face++ (pronounced “face plus plus”), located in a suburb of Beijing, I see it appear on several more screens, automatically captured from countless angles by the company’s software. On one screen a video shows the software tracking 83 different points on my face simultaneously. It’s a little creepy, but undeniably impressive.



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