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Comment from UTT:
This article is another example of the heretical teachings of Rome when it comes to what a biblical saint is and is not. A saint, according to the Bible is anyone who accepts the blood sacrifice made on the cross by Jesus Christ. According to the Pope Francis, the Roman Catholic standard is different. As the article states:

Francis closed his homily saying that the saints “spur us on by their lives and their intercession before God,” and stressed that each of us needs one another if we are also to become saints. “Together let us implore the grace to accept this call with joy and to join in bringing it to fulfillment,” he said, and entrusted to Mary, Queen of All Saints, “our intentions and the dialogue aimed at the full communion of all Christians, so that we may be blessed in our efforts and may attain holiness in unity.”

Unity, according to this Jesuit pope is unity with all religions. Surely, even those who attend the Roman Catholic Church and have some biblical understanding can see through this fallacy.


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