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Comment from UTT:
In the biblical historical past, wrong was called right at the time the judges ruled the children of Israel. What is different now? Absolutely nothing. This should indicate where we are in church history. The United States is in the same situation and will be judged in the same way that Israel was judged in the past.


October 26 - Satanic Temple YES, Ten Commandments NO?

Article: Perilous Times

A Satanic Temple opens its doors in Massachusetts proud to display their "religious" symbols! But removing the Ten Commandments is OK?
  • With up to 50,000 members in chapters around the world, TST has garnered colossal media attention in the last three years.
  • Outside of New England, TST has taken legal action against the placement of edifices of the Ten Commandments in civic settings, including statehouses.
  • The Satanist group has intervened in various school districts to contest prayer or challenge Christian clubs. 
  • Salem is headquarters to this Anti Christian group.

(SALEM,Massachusetts)  Horror is not contained to October 31st alone. A controversial Satanic temple has set up its international headquarters in Salem Massachusetts. Just one mile from historic sites where ironically in the 16th century witches were hunted and killed. The building is a former funeral home, inaugurated last month by activist Malcolm Jarry, a self-described “secular Jew” who co-founded The Satanic Temple (TST) in 2013. It also houses an art gallery in honor of the heathen idol Baphomet, a “sabbatic goat”. Behind the two-story building, an eight-foot tall statue of Baphomet sits in a plain shed, where visitors can pay to view it.


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