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Hillary Clinton is 100 percent on board with Habitat III, New Urban Agenda, Sustainable Development and everything else proffered by the United Nations. In short, she is the consummate globalist who will implement the globalist agenda in America.
When Hillary Clinton spoke in Harlem in February, she barely used the words “urban” or “cities,” but she laid out one of the most ambitious urban agendas of any modern presidential nominee. “If I’m elected president, we will direct hundreds of billions of dollars in new investments to places like Harlem and rural South Carolina,” Clinton declared at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. As she’d done four days earlier in small-town Denmark, South Carolina, Clinton talked up her $125 billion “Breaking Every Barrier” agenda to help poor communities with jobs, housing and access to capital. But as she addressed communities of all kinds, including African-Americans and the rural poor, she also mentioned Flint, Michigan, where she’d spoken the week before. “There are many Flints across our country,” Clinton said, “places where people of color and the poor have been left out and left behind.”


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