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Comment from UTT:
Pope Francis and his encyclical on the environment has inspired many within the Roman Catholic Church and others from various religions to use the environment as an issue that will unify the world. The question to ask is simple: is this the role that Christians are to play from a biblical perspective? Is it possible this is part of a bigger agenda to set up a global religion and a global political system that controls the world's population?

October 18 - Catholic Sisters Champion Sustainable Development In Africa

Article: Social Gospel
Pope Francis’ 2015 Encyclical on Global Warmins, Laudato Si’, has influenced Catholic sisters in Africa to promote Sustainable Development. The ultimate result will be worse than the Marxist Liberation Theology that was promoted in the 1960s and 1970s.  TN Editor
Representatives of various Religious sisters on the African continent are this week meeting in a convention under the auspices of the African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC) in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi. The convention which runs from 16 to 19 October is themed, “Catholic Sisters Champions of Sustainable Development in Africa.” It is taking place at Nairobi’s Sarova Panafric.



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