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Comment from UTT:
The book of Romans chapter one is the best way to analyze this article. Rather than accept what the Bible teaches regarding how the universe was created by an all powerful God as stated in the book of Genesis, humans, claiming to be more intelligent than God, come up with their own explanation. For decades, these men and women with credentials have determined that an explosion created all the order we see in the universe and that an intelligent designer like the God of the Bible is just mythology. Now they are taking their explanation one step further and making the claim they have determined what happened before the explosion. Read Romans chapter one to see this folly.

October 19 - Before Big Bang: Scientists discover what existed BEFORE the beginning of the universe

Article: Creation/Evolution - Evolution Propaganda
Non-scientific versions of the answer have invoked many gods and have been the basis of all religions and most philosophy since the beginning of recorded time. Now a team of mathematicians from Canada and Egypt have used cutting edge scientific theory and a mind-boggling set of equations to work out what preceded the universe in which we live.

In (very) simple terms they applied the theories of the very small – the world of quantum mechanics – to the whole universe - explained  by general theory of relativity, and discovered the universe basically goes though four different phases. More importantly they discovered what came before this universe was.. another universe or more accurately another ‘cosmological phase’.

Despite being infinite in size our universe is cyclical and has always existed in one of four stages. The universe is expanding, and the expansion is speeding up, but the team believes that certain modification motivated by quantum mechanics will ultimately halt the expansion and pull the whole lot back to a near infinite point – at which stage the universe will start expanding again.


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