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Comment from UTT:
If you read the following article and see a just cause for this nun to be declared a "saint", please find a biblical reference and let us know.
October 3 - Vatican opens Cause of nun who saw Host turn blood-red

Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days

A London nun who saw the Eucharist turn to bloody flesh in the hands of a priest is to be put on the road to sainthood by Pope Francis. The Vatican has agreed to open the Cause for the canonisation of Mother Marie Adele Garnier, the foundress of the Tyburn Nuns. Mother Garnier, who died in Tyburn Convent, near Marble Arch, London, in 1924, has been given the title “Servant of God” after the Congregation for the Cause of Saints concluded that there were “no obstacles” to her candidacy. The development is likely to be formally announced in a declaration from the Vatican later in the year.


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