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Comment from UTT:
Those who believe that "Mary" is appearing in the form of a supernatural apparition may now see their belief system is slipping. Even if these so called appearances could be documented, this would only prove that the appearances were not Mary the mother of Jesus but a spirit being of the dark side.

September 22 - As debate rages over Medjugorje, maybe a place of prayer is enough

Article: Signs And Wonders|

As a journalist covering the Vatican, I’ve obviously been aware for a long time of the debate that swirls around Medjugorje, the small town in Bosnia-Herzegovina where revelations of the Virgin Mary allegedly have been taking place since 1981. I know that some take the phenomenon seriously, others are skeptical, and many are waiting for Rome to declare officially one way or the other.

I did, however, stop to chat with one of the Argentine priests who was waiting to replace another. Many priests who go with pilgrimage groups often register to hear confessions. The one I spoke with told me he had arrived doubtful, mostly dragged by the faithful in his parish, which is the reason why he requested to remain unnamed. Yet after having spent the afternoon in the confessional, he couldn’t help but believe something supernatural was going on. “No bad tree gives good fruits,” he told me, referencing a passage from the gospel of Matthew. He claimed that never, in the 30 years he’s been a priest, has he heard better confessions than here.


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