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Comment from UTT:
Psychobabble will soon find the grounds to allow those who are depressed to die by assisted suicide. I thought doctors took a vow to preserve life, not destroy life. Are you depressed? Soon a board of psychologists may have the right to end your life when there seems to be no other hope. You think not? Just wait!


September 9 - Psychological suffering now a qualifier for euthanasia
The head of an international anti-euthanasia organization warns that allowing people to legally commit suicide because of depression can quickly get out of control. 

In European countries where it is legal, euthanasia was initially to be allowed for people with terminal illnesses. Now, as OneNewsNow has noted, that has graduated to the handicapped, as well as people with psychological difficulties. In fact, a study published in the British Medical Journal indicates that 74 percent of Belgium's euthanized patients were women suffering from depression.



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