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Comment from UTT:
Another example of a pseudo Christianity that is being set up for lying signs and wonders

September 2 - Want to be like Christ? Be a pilgrim

Article: Signs And Wonders|

Medjugorie is a site to go and visit and pray but it is not yet a site that has been verified by the Pope to be an official site of a Marian apparition. Maybe there is a need to explain “an apparition.” An apparition is a ghost or ghostlike image of a person. A Marian apparition is the appearance of Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ at particular geographic sites that have been certified by the Catholic Church. Some apparition sites are Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, Our Lady of Lourdes at Lourdes, France, and Our Lady of Fatima at Fatima, Portugal. These are all sites that pilgrims visit to increase their faith, pray for particular intentions or just visit out of curiosity. Visiting a Marian Site is not the only way to be a pilgrim.
My next pilgrimage will be a visit to Rome, Italy, to partake in the canonization of a saint, Mother Teresa, possible better known as Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Many people who have devotion to this great lady will also be making the trip to Rome.
To be a pilgrim, you search out ways to strengthen your faith that there is a divine being that orchestrated this universe that we live in. Some might journey on a long pilgrim walk like the Camino De Santiago (the Way of St. James). These walks or your own excursions that you might create would/and could resemble the greatest of pilgrimages, our Lord, Jesus Christ walk from Galilee to Jerusalem, to complete His pilgrimage, too, died for us on the cross.
My pilgrimage to Italy is definitely a journey to increase and strengthen my faith. It is to celebrate an individual, Mother Teresa, who was guided by God, to help those less fortunate in our world.
Find your journey, be a pilgrim like Christ. He was guided by His Father through the desert, up the mountains, down through the valley and them celebrated by finishing His earthly pilgrimage on the cross with His resurrection as the heavenly pilgrimage sitting at the right hand of the Father. Be a Pilgrim on a Journey and be like Jesus Christ!



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