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Comment from UTT:

The Pope of Rome is truly environmentally friendly to the point that he is promoting a new gospel that replaces the shed blood of Jesus Christ with a plan to clean up the earth and worship the planet. While the plan may seem environmentally friendly, according to Romans chapter one, it will bring the wrath of God.

September 1 - Pope Francis: Global Warming a ‘Sin,’ Man Can Atone by Recycling and ‘Car-Pooling’

Article: Social Gospel
The Pope says, “Let us repent of the harm we are doing to our common home.” The Bible says that Jesus Christ died to atone for the sins of man against God, for any who would receive Him as Lord and Savior. Now there are sins like global warming and loss of biodiversity for which man himself must atone by recycling, planting trees and lowering his carbon footprint.
In his message for the “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation” Thursday, Pope Francis said that human-induced global warming, as well as a loss of biodiversity are “sins” against God, which must be atoned for by planting trees, avoiding the use of plastic and paper and “separating refuse.”


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