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Comment from UTT:
If Mother Teresa was declared a "Christian saint" then the word "Christian" needs to be redefined. Even by her own statement she knew nothing of being saved by faith is Jesus Christ alone. She was loved by those from other religions because of her works and not because she believed that Jesus was her Saviour. Paul proclaimed that we are saved not by works but by faith in Jesus alone. Who was right? Paul or Mother Teresa?

September 2 - FEATURE: Sr. Prema: ‘Mother Teresa Was Icon of Unity’ 

Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days

“Mother Teresa has been an icon of unity, tolerance, acceptance, and of loving each person.” Sr. Mary Prema Pierick, the current Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity, the religious institute founded by Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, said this to ZENIT in the Vatican this morning. She was responding to how the figure of Mother Teresa of Calcutta can help make India understand that Christianity is a religion of peace as often times in the country, there is religious intolerance toward minorities and Christians.

The German nun noted how loved Mother Teresa was: “We saw this at her funeral. Everyone was there,” she said, noting how faithful of other religions are drawn to Mother’s selfless example.
“India has a love and great respect for Mother,” she said, smiling. “Everyone saw the sanctity, even in their own religious concept.” The sister stressed how Mother Teresa’s legacy still can actively bring together those who otherwise could have remained indifferent.

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