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Satan said to Eve: you shall never die. Transhumanism is based on the same lie founded in the Garden of Eden.
August 9 - Silicon Valley's fascination with a fountain of youth

Article: Transhumanism

Hang around Silicon Valley for awhile and the obsession with immortality is clear. Techies want to solve that granddaddy of problems: Death.

"Why are tech leaders interested in immortality? It's a combination of scientism and extraordinary wealth," said Adam Gollner, author of "The Book of Immortality." "Are Silicon Valley CEOs investing millions into physical immortality any different from the fantastically rich and all-powerful emperors in the Tang dynasty of China who died taking mercury-based elixirs of never-ending life? Time will tell."
"Biology has become an engineering project, and a lot of tech people are engineers," said Sonia Arrison, author of "100 Plus," a book on longevity research and the implications of people living longer. Thiel wrote the introduction. The idea of extending people's healthy years "used to be a pipe dream," said Arrison. But it is "no longer a crazy idea. It's not something that's unattainable. Society has the tools to make our lives longer and healthier."

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