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Comment from UTT:
Think of all the combinations you and your wife could have with a bit of genetic engineering. There are a myriad of options for the baby's room. How about a goat human like the god Pan? How about a horse-human like the Centaur. How about a feathered serpent like Quetzalcoatyl? How about a serpent or a dragon?

So what is the point of creating monsters? Should we not concentrate on preserving the life that God has created rather than thinking we are smart enough to created a new version of life because we think we are the smartest species to ever evolve. Actually, such demonic activity may turn out to be the demise of mankind.

May 21 - Scientists Creating Human-Animal Embryos Raises Ethical Concerns

Article: Cloning And Genetic Engineering

Some scientists in the United States are working to make embryos that are part human, part animal in an attempt to save the lives of people suffering from various diseases. But other scientists warn that such experiments could damage people's sense of humanity, NPR reports.

Such embryos are called "chimeras," named after creatures from Greek mythology and which are created artificially by combining genetic material from different species into a single embryo. The adult animals that develop as a result have different populations of cells that reflect different contributions from the species from which they were produced.


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