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May 5 - The Download—The New Evangelization?

Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days

Comment from UTT:
Since Pope St. John Paul II's call for a "new evangelization" in 1990, various initiatives have been born in the Church seeking to reach out to lapsed Catholics as well as those of other faiths, trying to draw them to Catholicism.

Since Pope St. John Paul II's call for a "new evangelization" in 1990, various initiatives have been born in the Church seeking to reach out to lapsed Catholics as well as those of other faiths, trying to draw them to Catholicism.
The problem is that many of these initiatives — as well-intentioned as they are — more often than not focus heavily on similarities, those things shared in common with other faiths, rather than those things that make Catholicism unique, singular, remarkable, and true — and therefore worthy of serious consideration.
While it's true that Protestants and Catholics share a common belief in the Holy Trinity, the need for a savior in Jesus Christ, and many shared moral values, the similarities essentially end there. All those key characteristics that make the Catholic Church what She is: the Eucharist, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Holy Orders, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the communion of saints, the infallible Magisterium, the Supreme Pontiff, the visible representative of Christ on earth who leads the entire Church — all these are utterly lacking in (and in many cases vehemently rejected by) protestant communities. Yet these are what make the Church what and who She is, with Her unique and singular and, yes, superior claims to truth.
Is it wise for evangelization initiatives to leave out that which makes the Church remarkable and different in favor of adopting a "common ground" approach, where protestants are made to feel as if what we believe is not all that different from what they believe, in the hopes of drawing them in? Or should dioceses and parishes start robustly reclaiming our faith, vigorously preaching Catholicism in all Her richness, depth and breadth — showcasing to the world Her singular beauty and glory?
Whether or not it is wise, the numbers bear out that this watered-down approach is simply not working. After 25 years of the "new evangelization," parishes continue to close in diocese after diocese, regular Mass attendance continues to drop, and the number of self-identified Catholics in the United States is at an all-time low. Bishops need to take a hard look at what they've been doing and figure out why it isn't working, and whether or not a new approach — one that fearlessly proclaims the Catholic faith in all its robustness — isn't the solution to drawing people in to the bosom of the Church.


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