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April 30 - Apocalypse how? Killer robots and asteroids among dangers scientists warn could wipe out humanity

Article: Signs Of The Last Times

SCIENTISTS have identified six main dangers that could wipe out humanity including killer robots and nuclear war. They claim engineered viruses, climate change, superbugs and droughts could also strike within the next five years. They may sound like something from a Hollywood blockbuster – but researchers say they are “very real threats” that governments are failing to take seriously.

The Global Catastrophic Risks report lists dangers that could wipe out 10 per cent or more of the world’s population – equal to at least 740million people. The authors – including academics from Oxford University and the Global Priorities Project – point to the bouts of plague and the 1918 Spanish flu that wiped out millions.
The report says: “Plagues have killed over 10 per cent of world’s population and we came close to nuclear war several times in the 20th century. “Despite their scale, the risks of global catastrophes receive limited attention. “One reason is that many of these risks are unlikely in any given decade. “But even when the probability is low, the sheer magnitude of an adverse outcome warrants taking these risks seriously. “A global catastrophic risk not only threatens everyone alive today, but also future generations.”
The report calls for more funding, research and greater international cooperation to ensure the world is better placed to cope with the risks.


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