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April 27 - Benedictine nuns back at it again with a new album

Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days

A new album from the chart-topping community of Benedictine nuns in rural Missouri has an intimate selection of the songs they sing when they gather for Eucharistic Adoration at their monastery. “We pray that the music on this album will contribute to a more profound belief, adoration, hope and love…in the Blessed Sacrament among many, many souls,” Mother Cecilia told CNA.
“This new album contains much of the music we sing for Eucharistic adoration,” she explained. “The Sisters gather for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Sunday, Thursday, and Solemnity for just over an hour. As the priest first places Our Lord in the monstrance, we sing a hymn to greet Him.”
Eucharistic Adoration at the community then proceeds with a moment of reverent gratitude for the Lord's presence in the Blessed Sacrament, chanted Vespers, and often a communal rosary. “Then there is time for silent prayer, as we converse heart to Heart with the One whom we love.”.

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