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January 3 - Doomsday Volcanoes: next large volcanic eruption on the planet could kill 1 million people

Article: Signs Of The Last Times

Think you’ve got enough to worry about with collapsing economy, terrorism, wars and rumors of wars? Think again. Have you been paying attention to what appears to be an increase in volcanic activity across the planet? There’s a 5 percent to 10 percent chance in the next 80 years, scientists say, one of these eruptions will kill millions of people and poison the atmosphere beyond the imagination of anything man’s activity could do in 1,000 years. And no one is yet making any plans to deal with the calamitous possibilities. One more thing – the earth is actually in “volcano season,” as a recent study of volcano activity over the last 300 years has revealed.
In a scientific report published in 2015, experts at the European Science Foundation concluded that large volcanic eruptions posed the greatest risk to human survival – greater, in fact, that an asteroid collision with earth, human activity leading to climate change and nuclear war. Such an eruption would be of a similar size to the explosion of Tambora on Sumbawa, Indonesia, in 1815, which killed around 100,000 people at the time, or another one that hit Iceland in 1783 that immediately killed 9,350 but spewed huge amounts of sulfuric aerosols, ash and other gases into atmosphere causing “one of the most important climatic and socially repercussive events of the last millennium,” said the report.


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