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November 22 - United Nations plans require biometric identification and birth registration for all humans on Earth

Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Most Americans are too busy to pay attention to the United Nations, let alone the actions of their own government. This is unfortunate considering the fact that the place is run by representatives of vile, authoritarian regimes that are always looking for ways to control their respective populations as well as those of other countries.

Many of these efforts are embodied broadly under an initiative known as Agenda 21, which was further exposed recently during a speech by Pope Francis. In an encyclical released over the summer, the pontiff lamented about environmental issues and concentration of wealth in too few hands in a document that actually reads more like a globalist political manifesto than a religious or scientific offering.

At the time, we provided some definition and detail into Agenda 21. Pushed by the United Nations, the agenda consists of a bevy of proposed regulations that have been years in the making and essentially strip individuals of their freedom while asserting centralized control over private property. The provisions amount to population control and reduction in certain areas deemed ripe for "sustainability"; control over local and national economies via the regulation of carbon emissions and other mechanisms of pollutants; and globalized central control over the financial decisions of businesses and especially landowners.
Now, as reported by Michael Snyder at Blacklisted News,
the UN wants to essentially microchip everyone on the planet so that global elitist "managers" can track us all 24/7/365 by 2030, which is when the elitists undoubtedly believe they will have sufficiently pacified the populace.


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