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November 19 - “I have been healed by the Eucharist,” says 81-year-old priest miracle at Eucharistic congress in Mumbai

Article: Signs And Wonders|

Fr Michael Martires, 81, felt the presence of Jesus and was healed during the homily of the papal legate, Card Ranjith, during the Mass that brought to a close the National Eucharistic Congress in Mumbai.
“I felt the presence of Jesus through the power of prayer at the deep moment of the Eucharistic celebration,” Fr Michael said. “It was like being in the 'Tent of Glory'. It was so nice . . . I believed, and I asked Jesus to save me, heal me and free me. A great feeling of peace overwhelmed me with a sense of calm and serenity I never felt before. I felt Jesus touch me and heal me physically. My doctors testify that my healing was miraculous.”

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