Letters For
The Ministry


Dear Roger,

i can not tell you how thankful i am for the work you're doing.
You're helping me and i'm sure many other people around the world soo much in staying on the way.

I am just back from a conference (Tools of the trade Conference) at Calvary Chapel Siegen here in Germany. Where Pastor Ricky Ryan from CC Santa Barbara was promoting the Passion of the Christ!!! He was telling us how great an idea it has been from his assistent pastor Rick Soto that they could show the Movie prior to its release in 2004. What they did for four times at diferent places in Santa Barbara he told us!
His whole approach was very positive and encouraging to us to also have visions like this!!

So, thank you again for your work and stay strong in the Lord.
I am sure you will be abundantly rewarded from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
in heaven.

In Him,









Hi Roger,

For what it's worth, I just wanted to take a moment to write and say thanks for all the work you do.

For many years, myself and my friends and family have been encouraged by your steadfast commitment
to the Word of God.

You send out all these emails and do all this work around the world. And well, I'm sure many people who
appreciate Understand the Times might not have taken the time to say so. (People like me!).

So...thanks Roger. These are truly perilous times and your example and stand is an encouragement
to many in the Lord.

Chris and Starr Bryant
Langley / B.C.








Hi Roger,

I've just received your email and read your latest posting "Are Emerging Church Critics Too Critical?".

I just wanted to encourage you to carry on 'fighting the good fight' and 'not to grow weary in welldoing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not'.

I'm sure you receive enough negative response and probably, people like me, who have been so very blessed by your ministry, don't encourage you enough. I'm 35 and an assistant pastor over here in England, and you and Understand The Times are a constant source of blessing to me, my family and our church. I am currently taking our people verse-by-verse through Genesis at our Monday evening Bible studies; we are now up to 'The Flood - Gen 6-7'. This evening, as I was preparing for next Monday, I just stopped to check my emails, and yours was there. I couldn't help but see a parallel between your efforts and that of Noah. Noah also was a preacher of righteousness and was faithful to God's word, as you are. It is easy for us to forget how hard it must have been for Noah to continue faithfully building the Ark in the face of a world that had turned its back on God's truth. On that occasion all of Noah's efforts saw just eight people saved; praise God that this time, by His grace, we will see many many more saved.

Keep going for those that will listen; and we'll keep upholding you in prayer.

May our great God and Saviour richly bless you.

Love in Him,








Dear Bro. Oakland:
Thank you for your ministry. It was only today that I came across it on the web for the first time. I listened to one your messages. I believe that you have a strategic role to play at this time in the history of the church and of the world. Having read Dave Hunt's book, A Woman Rides the Beast, I understand exactly what you are dealing with. I am truely appalled at the Protestant march along the Roman road. How sad that the martyrs should appear to have died in vain!!!!!!! Even more tragic is the thought that Christ died in vain because we can save ourselves by our own efforts!!!!!!! Truely the end is near.
I am glad for men like you who keep us abreast of the times that we may know what to do. I totally reject the trends of the emerging church. I want to be fully alligned with the true church no matter what it costs. I intend by the grace of God to stand for biblical inerrancy and salvation by faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work alone. I intend to sensitize our people here about what is going on. In fact, I just sent emails of your article on the Emerging Church to thirty-eight people including our leaders. I intend to send more from time to time to sensitize and warn them.
I am a pastor/church and leader of my denomination as well as acting sub-regional leader of the Evangelical Church of the W. I. My wife and I returned to serve in the pastorate in 1983 after graduating from Columbia Bible College in South Carolina. We have one grown son who is in ministry in Colorado and one grandson.

I intend to keep in touch with you because I want to learn more from you and your organization.

Yours in Christ







Dear Roger,

I have just recently discovered your website through your link to Moriel Ministries. Articles which you have written have been a great encouragement to me personally - especially those concerning the escalation in power of the R.C. Church, and the numerous heresies which they promote, also the way in which Rick Warren has taken over so many churches in this land.. Here in the Forest of Dean; Gloucestershire;England, through "Churches Together" the R.C's have succeeded in involving almost every church in the Ecumenical Movement; it seems that the majority of Leaders and members are oblivious to the significance of such a step, and refuse even to discuss what it involves. I confess that I was disillusioned regarding the situation - I was under the impression that if I explained the error of the involvement, to those in leadership positions in the church which I attended,- that it would make a difference, and they would withdraw from the union; I was greatly surprised by the disdain with which I was treated. A few here trust and pray that God will open doors of fellowship and witness in the area - to His Glory.

I pray also that God will refresh you, and revive you at this time, and encourage you in your ministry.
