Words of Men
versus the
Word of God


Commentary by
Roger Oakland

Understand The Times
Roger Oakland Ministries

 The book of James reminds us how powerful the tongue can be to destroy or to build up someone. The tongue is like a rudder on a large ship, for example, the Titanic. If used properly the rudder could have avoided the ice burg and the sinking of the ship.

Men's tongue's are just like rudders. The term "men" in this example also means women - the opposite sex. Men and women make up the human kind.

The Bible states that a kind can not become another kind although modern day Darwinism proposes that ape-like beings became humans in the past. However, the same theory of evolution lays the foundation for claims that men and women today are on their way to becoming gods not apes.

This really shows that the theory of evolution is an oxymoron. How can you have it both ways? How can you be a human on the way to becoming a god? Maybe humans are on their way to becoming apes?

Either we came from apes or we are becoming apes. It can't be both, can it? That is why Darwinian evolution is foolish.

I like the way the British call the theory - "evil" "lution" not evolution. I think they may be on to something.

To say we are becoming god-like is like saying we are followers of Satan ACCORDING to Satan's lie to Eve in Genesis chapter three. To believe that we are gods is true of course if we are not following Jesus and following Satan.

Satan told Eve and Eve told Adam that man could be like God. They both believed this and ate the forbidden fruit, didn't they?

Now, with regard to the tongue of man and the tongue of women. Sometimes it can be used as a loose canon. However, when the truth is told, often, others who do not want to hear the truth try to cover the truth up, don't they?

The Bible teaches we should always expose darkness, right? So why would one be accused of being a loose canon for telling the truth when the Bible tells us to always tell the truth?

I don't know why, do you? Sometimes there are those who get hurt when this happens, right?

Who cares if you are the one doing the hurting, right? Sometimes there are those who say they are following Jesus who do the hurting because they used their tongues without thinking.

This of course is common. A lot of people just do not think because all they think about is themselves, their job, or their pocket book, their friends, their church, their pastor, right?

Now for those who get hurt by those with loose tongues, there is a moral to the story.

Fortunately, the only words that bring healing and strength are found in the Bible, especially Psalms and the Gospels. Fix your eyes upon those promises.

The words and actions of men are motivated by the father of their hearts...either the Lord Jesus or satan.

Just as apple trees cannot produce oranges, lost men cannot produce good fruit.

The only words that someone who is hurt needs to be hiding in his or her heart are those found in Scripture because they will bear fruit to heal the spirit and the body.

The hurtful or deceptive words (and actions) of other men (women) can be poison to the soul if kept them in your heart and allowed to fester there.

All of these men (and women) will one day be required to give an account of their words and deeds to the Lord. Let Him be there judge and allow Him to avenge the harm they have done to you and your ministry.

We all have only this day to serve the Lord and nurture our loved ones. If we are able to put smiles on all the faces we encounter this day and are able to feed them from God's word, then it has been a very good day indeed.

Know that you are lifted up to the Lord Jesus Christ every day in prayer.

Remember, the Lord has shown you and all of us how much He loves us.

He loves you too.

May the Lord Bless and Keep you and yours. He is coming soon!